Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 Matthew Wilder rose to his feet as they approached the corner table , and instead of shutting his eyes or turning away he scrutinised Lucy with interest .
2 Denis Wirth-Miller attended a talk he gave at Goldsmiths ' College and observed how he galvanised the audience .
3 WHILE Jack Nicholson waited outside , Michael Douglas popped into the Seiko hospitality tent at the Barcelona Olympics and asked where he could get one of their watches .
4 In 1812 , when war broke out between the infant U.S.A. and Britain over territorial disputes on the Canadian border , Eckford was asked by the U.S. Government to supervise the building of warships on the great lakes and to do so he gave up his own business .
5 ‘ Bloody love , ’ he would say in disgust when asked why he had not enjoyed the film .
6 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
7 just , but that was n't good enough the bloke that wrote in he says oh later on , er even the filter is no good
8 ‘ You look terrible ! ’ she exclaimed , taking in the blue shadows under his bloodshot eyes and the air of decadence that hung about him .
9 but make me laugh even now , she said the first , the first memories I 've got of new little boy that starting in he looked at this little boy , she said , so , so excited by said with this pure white hair and the
10 The aim of the exhibition is to show the quality and variety of Jordaens 's work and to reassess where he stands in relation to Rubens , by whom he has always been overshadowed .
11 The obituaries published in Britain , on the Continent and in America all acknowledged him as the originator of military precision dancing and reported how he had dominated a whole era of show business .
12 And with caution , shrewdness and bluff maybe he was still , as Richard Kahan said , the biggest crapshooter New York had ever seen .
13 Yet each time that third line came round the tune seemed to gather itself up and find new energy from somewhere , and perhaps it did n't fall quite so far each time in the fourth , and Tabitha was captivated despite herself , watching the pretty man play and wondering how he would end it , how he could ever resolve the disagreement between the rush and the ebb , until she realized suddenly that he had , with a quiet , lilting little rill that ran up and then down and flicked its tail and was gone .
14 MIKE BURGESS , NDO for Validation , has been seconded from Glasgow College of Building and Printing where he is Senior Lecturer and Depute Head of the Department of Complementary Studies and Educational Services .
15 The Hon. and learned Member for Perth and Kinross ( Sir N. Fairbairn ) took one look and retired whence he came .
16 This deep concern for spiritual realism spilled over into his own ministry and explains why he preached and laboured with such tremendous zeal and fervour , as ‘ a dying man to dying men ’ .
17 If a man drinks only an alcohol made from paint or varnish or polish or acetone then he will dream of vodka .
18 They 're talking about up the Dales if you , if you , if you think of the marvellous place that goes around he 's got
19 It was to ensure that throughout the years that lay ahead he would remain on the road .
20 Bob Hoover sponsored by Victor Aviation , flew the Shrike Commander in his famed ‘ energy management series ’ of engine-out manoeuvres ; Pepsi sponsored Joann Osterud in her ultimate 300 Biplane as well as Susan Asbury-Oliver in the Pepsi Skywriter ; First Interstate Bank brought Wayne Handley and his Raven to Reno ; Sean Tucker 's amazing aerobatics were sponsored by Randolph Sunglasses and Dreyer 's Ice Cream ; the Acme Duck and Airshow returned to Reno for a repeat of their funny comedy airshow act ; Scott Hammack 's Smoke n Thunder jet dragster was on hand to show what an afterburning J-34 jet engine can do for miles per hour versus miles per gallon ; seven-time U.S. National Aerobatic Champion Leo Loudenslager flew the Bud Light 200 in a routine that demonstrated why he is such a success in competition aerobatics ; and Team America added precision three ship aerobatics to the programme .
21 Mike , a Cambridge undergraduate who is working on a kibbutz is talking to the Jewish girl Gila and explaining why he left university to end up in Israel .
22 She knew Beth had suffered many sleepless nights of late , because she herself had been kept awake into the small hours , thinking of Matthew and wondering how he was faring .
23 If jazz fusion is more your thing , why not come and enjoy the amazing Frank Gambale and see why he 's rated as one of the world 's top players ?
24 Smith obviously assumed that someone as badly dressed as himself could not possible be in a group and wondered why he was in the dressing room .
25 Huge video screens profile each new batter and replay how he fares at the plate .
26 She moved away , left him in the corner of the room and stayed where he could see her clearly .
27 For a moment it looked as if he was free and would land safely near Tock 's cottage but coming down he fell with a thump into the basket lift at the other side .
28 ‘ But you can remember it all ? ’ said Fenella , anxiously , and Pumlumon pushed his hat well back and scratched his head and said once he got it going , it would follow as the night the day , or maybe it was the other way round .
29 Cos he 'd have taken them to court and said well he did n't even pay it , I did !
30 After dinner , the person at the top of the list is offered first choice of all the hotel water and selects where he wants to fish the following day .
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