Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pron] we " in BNC.

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1 Just as we , in our writing , have to find the words that fit what we are trying to express , the most appropriate words , so the characters in a story , novel or poem also have to discover the language that is fitting .
2 Let's g let's go back to the cashier and see what we can do .
3 Take your hands off your stupid ears and think what we 're going to do next .
4 I and the girls , that 's , that 's all they got fifteen shillings because I was in the office I got a pound and mind you we slept in , we had all our food , you see , and we had to all sleep in .
5 ‘ Now , I want to put a bit of steel through the side and remind them we ca n't have nice games all the time .
6 Interestingly , it was not , as is usual , the noise that told us we were approaching a large nesting cliff , but an almost overpowering smell of guano .
7 Perhaps it was that , or frustration , or , more probable still , a queer kind of prudery — he would rather his mother thought him a brute than realize what we had been up to — that made him hit me .
8 So can somebody give me a sentence that explains what we talked about the sun is n't staying still it 's , all right Kieran .
9 As a church do we put ourselves with Jesus on the side of people in need or do we allow ourselves to be paralysed by fear or the temptations of wealth and forget what we would rather not know ?
10 None of these sites had the classic village green and plan which we expected , and all were found by accident in open country , away from medieval settlements .
11 They are not to do with whether we 're Catholic or Protestant , they 're more to do with whether we 're open or closed sort of people , whether we are willing to risk new ideas and the challenge of our old ones , or whether we want to scuttle away into our little corners and keep what we 've got .
12 ‘ If he came back and found we 'd made off by ourselves , he 'd go back to Tara and tell them we 'd reneged on the bargain , ’ finished Snodgrass .
13 Clustering is easier when every function and predicate which we might consider applies to every conceivable training instance .
14 Erm let's have a look and see what we can we 've got .
15 Do you wan na get , shall we go and have a look and see what we can do ?
16 Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at .
17 Let's just pop outside for a moment and see what we 've got to see tonight .
18 So please , sit quietly in your seats and do what we say .
19 have n't got it right actually , I mean basically we can go up the top shop and buy what we like ca n't we ?
20 Well we 'll have a look back in , I 'll have a look back in the file and see what we did last time .
21 These meetings are also a chance to swap ideas and plan what we 'll do the next day .
22 We then went to assembly which lasted anything from fifteen to twenty five minutes , we would then go into our classrooms and do whatever we were told .
23 My wife has been looking at some furniture catalogues and tells me we would need about £1000 per chair .
24 The whole idea of this is to go in there with an ope with a with a a a clean canvas and see what we 're
25 The fact that sceptics are not sceptical about scepticism is further evidence that to doubt anything we must believe something .
26 To make our aeroplanes and fly them we need steel mills , oil wells , an army of designers , technicians , engineers and financiers , pilots , mechanics , caterers and stewards .
27 Now is the time to stop this end-gaining mentality and realize what we truly want in our lives .
28 ‘ Now I can just go to Covent Garden Market tomorrow morning and replace what we 've used .
29 It 's just common sense and proves what we 've always said that there is n't a need for this reservoir .
30 Let us now look at each of these kinds of books in turn and see what we can about how they are written .
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