Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Crossing a deceptively smooth glacier surface , the person who breaks into a crevasse suddenly arrives into an utterly vertical world ’ … makes early the good point that any number of trouble-free glacier crossings teach the skier or mountaineer nothing about crevasse rescue ; unless an accident happens , by which time it is too late to start learning .
2 Personality is an all-embracing term that covers everything about you ; your outward behaviour as well as all the underlying factors , such as beliefs ( see page 21 ) , attitudes ( see page 12 ) and feelings ( see page 66 ) .
3 If you go along to a good quality golf course they have the score card a planner but they also have a little script that tells you about the hole .
4 The bar chart , built up as you go , shows you how you are keeping up to programme and teaches you about the idiosyncrasies of bar charts !
5 It depends on the simple and indisputable fact that ideas and cultural artefacts travel , hopping from continent to continent and distributing themselves about the world in the wake of migrations and along trade routes .
6 He liked a good gossip and knew something about everybody in the area .
7 Security police snatched away members of the 1,000-strong march and beat them about the head with truncheons as the crowd chanted ‘ No violence ’ and ‘ We 're staying here ’ .
8 ‘ The bit I liked best , ’ says Phil , ‘ was when you prodded the pig and told it about the unfairness of micro-organisms .
9 Already they keep me busy coming and consulting me about their topics to write on , and that , with 12 hours teaching a week , means that it is no holiday .
10 Stirling 's R.A.F. confidant made arrangements for converting the aircraft but did nothing about telling any of his colleagues planning the operation .
11 In addition to the firearms that tell us about and the door opener , was any other equipment issued to the officers ?
12 So it was something in my subconscious trying to push me from infantile dependency to maturation that brought it about that , in the dream , I could not find the inn again .
13 I visit many manufacturing companies and ask them about the state of their order books .
14 After the meeting a lot of people wanted to talk to Karen and ask her about the last few days .
15 With everything ready , I telephoned Brigadier Catto in England and told him about Daffodil Quentin and the touching little scene in the winners ' circle .
16 ‘ Like the council , ’ said Constance , ‘ benefactors of humanity and kidding themselves about the perfectibility of man — silly bastards . ’
17 Princess Marie Louise went to the Queen and told her about the scheme .
18 So you sit down with The Hook and ask him about what it was like in the '60s in London , when he was lionised by Van Morrison , The Animals , Peter Green and all the gut-bucket R&B bands , but he just laughs and says it was fun .
19 The Friar broke off a young oak bough and waved it about his sweating forehead to keep off the flies that followed him in wavering clouds , a floating band of skirmishers that his ceaseless counter-attacks could not drive away .
20 Asian women come from many different language groups , practise at least three main religions and have come to Britain in varied patterns of migration but ask them about their family life and the similarity of their experience stands out like the skeleton in an X-ray .
21 We discussed our plans for the living museum and theme park and told her about the oak tree .
22 She was accosted by a make-up girl who fluffed about with powder and asked her about eye make-up .
23 It was practised , wide and welcoming , consummately professional , revealing perfectly capped teeth and concealing everything about the man behind .
24 Toby Weaver , Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education and Science and a merciless private critic of successive Ministers , found in him ‘ the first person to stop talking about comprehensive reorganisation and to do something about it ’ .
25 Inside , members of staff were dressed in colourful beach wear , asking customers about their holiday plans and telling them about the Bank 's range of travel products .
26 I thought about writing a letter to The Times and telling them about an important man who beat up his children .
27 It was never going to be a career for me but kept me in beer money and taught me about how to deal with the public . ’
28 Who do nothing else but phone businesses and organizations and surgeries and golf clubs and tell them about our products .
29 The partner concerned will need to develop control systems to enable him to monitor progress and to satisfy himself about quality control and supervision .
30 Why can not the Government force the pace , make real progress and do something about reducing what the Home Secretary acknowledges is the fastest growing crime ?
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