Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With remarks denounced yesterday as racist , Mr McNeil claimed on Thursday that infant malnutrition or genetics could lie behind heavy over-representation of Asian and black children in the two most acute categories of special needs schools in the region .
2 It was such a freak open accident that no amount of preparation or legislation could have prevented what the boy did on that particular occasion .
3 The character of the waste from a dyehouse or printworks could alter considerably with changes in the textile processing arising from variations in the materials handled .
4 The constitutional tribunal had ruled on July 1 that such a change was necessary and could be approved by a three-fifths majority in both houses of parliament , although 10 per cent of deputies or senators could demand a referendum within two weeks of the amendment 's approval .
5 But a bit of added hydrogen or oxygen could tip the balance .
6 Data from a Swedish survey were analyzed to see whether socioeconomic and demographic factors , tobacco consumption level or illness could explain why some smokers succeeded in stopping smoking .
7 So anybody , male or female could have a plan up until their sixty-fifth birthday .
8 Before Mum or Dad could say a word , Natalie was jumping around the hall , singing , ‘ I 'm a Rainbow , I 'm a Rainbow ! ’ much to the amusement of all my Brownie friends .
9 Beauty flowed from her also ; although it was shrouded I knew that it was there , no veil or coverings could obscure it — at least , to my imagination .
10 No amount of waffle or screenshots could do this demo justice — it really does have to be seen to be believed .
11 The barns , stables and servants ' quarters had been made into more or less monastic cells in which visiting artists or writers could work or sleep off the night 's excesses , alone or together .
12 It would to find altruism in the way we could find but social cooperation or self-sacrifice or altruism could evolve by natural selection .
13 From next year your agrochemical salesman or adviser could have a new set of professional letters after his name .
14 To disclose whether or not a warrant has been issued in a particular case could establish means whereby those involved in serious crimes or espionage or subversion could learn the extent to which their activities had come to notice or — perhaps more damaging — could in some cases confirm whether their activities had come to notice at all .
15 Celia Freeman was of far greater help than either Morse or Lewis could have wished .
16 After gastroscopy , samples from patients with gastric erosions or oesophagitis were discarded , as was any sample in which mucus , blood , or bile pigment was seen , since blood or bile could cause erroneous results while the mucus binds metals .
17 If J. Sainsburys or Waitrose could see us using the necks of 40/60 mm jam jars they would be surprised !
18 Thus , for example , biology or food science could represent science , and geography or history could represent social studies .
19 The Council then was not quite a ‘ cross-section ’ of Athenians , but contained disproportionately many rich , determined politicians ; and lobbies , political dynasties or mafias could perpetuate themselves over the years despite the restrictions on re-election ( so the contrast with , for example , the Roman Senate is not after all total ) .
20 Many people ( especially bankers ! ) claim that default by a major debtor government like Mexico or Brazil could set off financial shock-waves that would make the Black Monday stock market crash of October 1987 look like a hiccup .
21 The Althorps ' divorce went through in April 1969 and a month later on May 2 , Peter Shand Kydd and Lady Althorp married in a quiet register office ceremony and bought a house on the West Sussex coast where Peter could indulge his love of sailing .
22 After seven months in business , 69 Diving are now expanding to enlarge their range to cover everything the individual diver or club could require .
23 Continuity , stability , mutual reliance , it says ; yet a change of wind or tide could end it all .
24 The loss or disappointment could concern a person or object , a role or an idea .
25 Concern was felt over ambitions that might be stimulated in Moscow with the result that Korea could become a focal point of tension .
26 It had no eyes that Rincewind could see , but he was nevertheless sure that it was staring at him .
27 When she looked at her grandmother with the sharp eyes that Fenna could lend her , she would see that solid outline waver , dissolve , crumble .
28 He startled Philip with him , so impressed Emlyn Williams with a recitation on a London street in a blackout that Williams could recall it precisely forty years later , and introduced anybody he thought would appreciate it to the dark-vowelled , consonant-cracking language of the man whose most famous work would be Under Milk Wood , whose first performance — on radio and stage — would star Richard Burton .
29 Following the demonstration that children could achieve various levels of skill in referential communication tasks , attention became increasingly directed at the reasons for the relatively limited success of preschool and early primary school children at these tasks .
30 There was genuine fear that demonstrations could erupt .
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