Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At its most extreme limits of informality the interview could be carried out with the interviewer taking no notes or tape recording at all .
2 The concept of a personal point of view was also absent to a greater degree than in Western culture , for the unschooled children could group a given set of objects or pictures according to only one attribute , although there were several other possible bases for classifications .
3 Lloyd 's of London is offering a reward of up to $50,000 for the safe return of the objects or information leading to their recovery .
4 Let's take it and prevent a constructive relationship with the T & G developing into an unworkable alliance .
5 Any crockery or cutlery lurking in your office or lab ?
6 Investors should expect to shoulder responsibility for any damage or injury arising after privatisation , and demarcation disputes were likely over liabilities from the past , he said .
7 From 1985 the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE ) began coordinating international surveys of forest decline , and has adapted the original German system to classify damage or health according to four categories , largely dependent on the loss of leaves and the density of the canopy .
8 His second example involved a transhipment bill of lading issued by the first carrier and damage or loss occurring on the second carrier 's vessel .
9 Away from the pitch there were other voices of dissent , not least that of Gulf manager Bob Driver describing the hotel which accommodated all the teams : ‘ There are no TVs or radios functioning in the rooms , the swimming pools are out of order , and the tennis courts ca n't be used .
10 A parent , guardian or person caring for a child may seek advice and assistance on his behalf ( Legal Advice and Assistance ( No 2 ) Regulations 1980 ( SI No 1898 ) , reg 8(2) and reg 14(2) ( a ) ) .
11 There were no vegetables or corn growing in the fields .
12 In Canada the Human Rights Act 1978 does not go as far as removing mandatory retirement ages ( although there is pressure growing to do so ) but does make it unlawful to deprive people of employment opportunities on grounds of age , as a result of policies or practices relating to recruitment promotion , training , or other personnel matters .
13 To me , it all seemed quite natural and even rather exciting — if a bit strange , but then no stranger than any other activities or preoccupations belonging to the grown-up world .
14 This projection , based on modest assumptions of growth in demand , does not fully take into account reductions in working hours or demands resulting from technological advances .
15 Senior partner Bill Small said that PW rejected all claims against it ‘ for any negligence or wrong-doing arising from the audit of Linter ’ .
16 After 1968 , no new artistic movements were permitted , and groups of artists or intellectuals meeting in cafes became the subject of suspicion .
17 The limitation on the scheme is that the works must come from galleries or artists operating within the region covered by Northern Arts 's territory .
18 Another approach to the problem of chronic prescribing is that which has been developed by Vithoulkas in Greece , Orthega in Mexico , and Masi and Paschero in Argentina — that of finding the essence of the remedies , or the scarlet thread or idea running through all the various aspects of the remedy picture .
19 Business property relief reduces the value of business assets for inheritance tax purposes by either 100% or 50% depending on the type of asset or the beneficial interest , and any tax payable can usually be paid by annual interest-free instalments over 10 years while the assets remain unsold .
20 THE jobless figures out this morning will draw the usual gasps or alibis according to political inclination .
21 To meet this concern , FRS 3 requires all exceptional items ( other than three specific types of item ) to be included in the income or expense heading to which they relate .
22 These powers are : ( i ) to make any compromise with creditors or persons claiming to be creditors ; ( ii ) to bring or defend proceedings ; ( iii ) to carry on the business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the estate ; ( iv ) to accept payment in the future on the sale of any property comprised in the estate .
23 The application of such a scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content .
24 If you ( and your partner ) have savings and/or investments amounting to more than £8,000 you will not be entitled to claim benefit .
25 Some of the earliest names are on the Feet of Fines Rolls or documents relating to agreements on the rent or exchange of land .
26 By contrast Sofia , the capital , was the stronghold of the UDF , which comprised some 16 different parties or movements ranging from the environmental group Eco-Glasnost ( which had been the first to oppose the former communist regime — see p. 36980 ) to Podkrepa , the rapidly growing free trade union movement .
27 Any social worker of experience has encountered cases of marital disruption or dissonance resulting from obsessive preoccupation and affection of one parent with a child and from the tensions and jealousies arising in the other parent .
28 We 'd put on dresses and dance to Abba records and pretend to be Abba and we would prance about the bedroom or lounge singing into hairbrushes .
29 Private buying or dealers bidding on behalf of private collectors dominated the Korthaus section of the sale , helping to explain the , at times , high prices .
30 The white underside of a puffin or penguin swimming on the sea merges with the sky and makes it harder for fish to spot danger overhead .
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