Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [Wh adv] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Wordsworth is often considered to be cold , egotistical and self-sufficient , but what he writes about here is the warmth of a stranger 's greeting and how it increased his pleasure in the sunset .
2 They recalled almost in totality everything I had written , the people I had interviewed , the story of the vast corruption in New York 's building trades and how it affected the construction of their monumental World Financial Centre on the Hudson .
3 In the early stages of a book I always write out two things : one , the plot , that is , the murder and how it happened and perhaps how eventually it will be seen for what it is ; two , the story ( which to make what I mean even clear to myself I generally label " The Storyline " ) , that is , in very rough outline what happens first and what happens next and next and next .
4 She talked of the spectre of Pre Menstrual Tension and how it blighted her life .
5 It was quite incredible to see the original fabric and how it changed completely when washed and steam pressed and how easy it was to use as a lovely flat piece of fabric .
6 The task did n't stop here — Fiona also had to write up a detailed log of the trip , complete with samples , photographs and complex scientific data showing when the river had high and low tides and why it flowed in a certain direction .
7 The only thing he could talk about with any certainty was his condition and how it made him feel .
8 Klein describes her own feelings in doing this work and how it came about ; Informed by her research in Australia and by talking to women who left in vitro fertilisation ( IVF ) programmes .
9 They mostly supplement the picture of the Soviet political system , how it operated in different circumstances and how it created and controlled its nuclear-energy network .
10 My hon. Friend the Member for Stockton , South talked about the representative role of a Member of Parliament and how it had changed , which is also important .
11 After a spell of social self-indulgence , I remembered CGAS and how it had helped me .
12 Hayling , who was much smoother in his appearance and approach , just seemed to Thomas to be very ignorant of business and how it worked .
13 Request : Posing as a female post-grad English student , we wrote to ask Parliament 's Mr Fixit whether he could be questioned on his name and how it affected him .
14 He was a keen student of the scriptures , particularly the Book of Revelations , and while meditating in his Calabrian retreat on the mystery of the Trinity and how it related to the time-process he had moments of intense spiritual illumination that led him to formulate a new millenarian philosophy of history .
15 Obviously , and understandably , working-class men and women took a very instrumental view of education and how it related to their needs and the opportunities available and open to them in society .
16 And Fenella remembered the thin , frayed legend of how the Earth-people , at one time in their history , had created a race of machines and how they had then created machines to run the machines and how it had all got out of hand .
17 We are also entitled to know if the Government received such advice and why it failed to act .
18 Weighing it all up , Ramsay came to the conclusion that the chances of capturing the usurper at this stage were all but non-existent , and that their wisest course was to return at once with his dire news to the main Scots array in Annandale or wherever it had reached by now .
19 and all that sort of thing and how it affected people buying furniture because there was a very high luxury tax
20 He also talked about the moor and how it interested him .
21 We would teach the electronics necessary to devise the tests and how it worked and things like that , and sure enough by the end of the time some of them had built devices , well all sorts of devices .
22 ‘ We shall treat this as a suspicious death ; there will be an autopsy and , of course , an investigation to discover the source of the poison and how it got into the brandy . ’
23 As the train approached Wolverhampton , Powell the historian told me about the foundation of the town in the 10th century and how it grew to prosperity making weapons for the Civil War .
24 There will be a brief insight into the history of the company and how it got its name .
25 ‘ Much obliged for that , Albert , ’ said Joe , and explained that he 'd got a guest and how it came about , although he said nothing about the wallet or the men .
26 The ratbird had already shaken many of my convictions regarding life on earth and how it had evolved .
27 Later , over a cup of coffee backstage , Kylie talks frankly about homesickness and how it had taken her two years to adjust to life in England .
28 She was silent a moment , thinking of Oreste and her journey to England and the future of her family and how it rested largely at the moment on Mr Landor 's £30 a year .
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