Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 What is the root of his ever-present seeking for something other than he has — happiness , nirvana or what you will ?
2 Better job or whatever or pay rise or whatever you can increase
3 I mean what you 're looking for is a reduction or what you would have liked to have seen a reduction in the land allocation for employment needs , and yet in the other breath you are saying to North Yorkshire , you should really cater for one hundred percent migration .
4 I do not believe she knows why she is going to the Camp or what she will find there . ’
5 My own feeling is that there is a great similarity and that there is a a base salary normally which is set on a competitive level with a target as in this case perhaps at the mid-point , perhaps at the sixty percent level or whatever it would be and that a significant uplift in compensation can be obtained by a bonus scheme , if the performance of the company as measured in earnings per share , return on capital , return on equity or any m other measure if those objectives are met .
6 It does not indicate what the velocity will be at the same point at another instant or what it will be at any other geometrically similar point ( i.e. a point at the same distance from the axis ) .
7 When Atropos , who snips the threads of life , misses one thread she cuts another , and we who do not know why one thread is missed and another cut call it Fate , Kismet or what we will .
8 I I 'm grateful I I I 'm winding up that we on this side we do believe that these additional six seats are very important because we believe that the European parliament elections are going to be very important and fighting them on these new boundaries with the minimum of delay in spite of the delay that had been caused by the government' incompetence , we regard as very important , we regard this debate tonight as very important to approve these orders because we can not so far work out whether the government will be fighting the er the whole campaign on the basis of back to basics while the E P P will be doing it on the basis of some other manifesto , vorsprung durch technik or whatever it might be , and they 'll be trying to merge those into two slogans of o of er vorsprung durch basics or or whatever it might be and this we do not know at all whether the government want to be part of Europe and whether their back benchers are gon na be willing to cooperate with the European peoples party or they take the money from the European peoples party but they do n't want to participate with them in the manifesto .
9 Ninety-five per cent of our cats are fed a canned cat food , the others eating scraps or whatever they can catch !
10 And if they 're from the council or whatever , or whoever does the roads or whatever they 'll probably get in contact with him again .
11 If something is wrong with a bedroom or whatever they will come to us .
12 Drawings were altered er instead of getting a whole sheet of a combined er er part of a , a steering gear or whatever it might have been , er they were all itemized and reduced to part pieces , and it was much easier to look , examine and find out what sizes were required than , you know , three dimensional er drawings .
13 you do not mind my taking this method of answering your letter and I hope that you , I did not put you to too much trouble to locate a recorder to listen to the tape , I am just too lazy to write it all down and think that what I have to say I can put it better in words than what I can on paper , I 'll let you do that part .
14 Once , when he had been late and a crowd of louts from the factory had started to shout at her , calling out about her legs and what they 'd like to do to her , Georg had come storming down the road on a bicycle , jumped off , and knocked two of them down before the rest ran away .
15 My mother was a very quiet lady but she used to enjoy being at my parties and what she used to enjoy most of all , oddly enough , was doing the washing up .
16 As earn outs are based on future performance and are only payable in the future , they enable the purchaser to agree to a price it may not be able to afford at completion and which it will not be obliged to pay unless profits are generated .
17 Right I think one of the things we 'll be looking at tomorrow is learning styles and people 's preferred learning styles and what we 'll find is that people in this room you 'll all , you might have a slightly different way that you prefer to learn .
18 Swiftly , now , before the deep-freezers , the dehydrators and the emulsifiers take the syllabub away from us and return it transformed and forever despoiled , let us discover how it was made in its heyday and what we can do to recapture something of its pristine charm .
19 The King took the opportunity by the need to renew Bank of Scotland 's monopoly north of the Border and said in essence ( and in German ) ‘ No , we shall set up a new large bank , which will be on our side and which we shall call ‘ Royal . ’
20 If one takes the narrow definition of manufacturing investment , which excludes a range of investment that is made by manufacturing companies in services that no longer count as manufacturing investment but which they used to do in-house , the average for the past six years was £10.9 billion — much higher than under the previous Labour Government .
21 When I went in for medicine I had the feeling that maybe I would take out an appendix on the kitchen table … now this has been a big disappointment of my life as a GP that whatever I can do , there 's someone else who can do much , much better .
22 Or if you prefer , by simply sending a donation of £100 , £35 , £20 , £10 or whatever you can afford .
23 You know , I , I maintain if you 're gardening you 're thinking about work , or you 're not thinking about watering or whatever you should be doing in gardening .
24 At first glance there appears to be a preponderance of narrow gauge or what I would call miniature railways .
25 However , the sequence of somite formation and what they will form seems to be programmed early in development long before the somites themselves appear and provides a good example of how , once the programme is specified , the cells follow it even when they are placed in abnormal relationships .
26 ‘ Four areas have come out firstly a database , information and networks ; then the idea of a convention , festival or seminar ; training and education ; and lastly music business associations and what they can achieve . ’
27 In this second case a person was less aware of the actual stimulus but quickly in tune with his own associations and what he could ‘ read between the lines ’ .
28 Your familiarity with the machine and what it can do will suggest to you ways you can use it in your teaching .
29 I could send you a list of vacancies , and mark any I thought might suit Mrs Ross and which I could vouch for .
30 I know all about that scene and what it can do to a man . ’
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