Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb -s] [pers pn] are " in BNC.

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1 My family will squeak with outrage when he turns a biologist 's eye on art and on drug abuse and suggests they are status indicators for age-old sexual selection .
2 Usually there is a section of the report which lists the initiatives taken by the voluntary sector and says they are generally admirable and deserving of continued support .
3 Increasing excise duties on alcohol and tobacco have traditionally allowed Chancellors of the Exchequer to raise revenues with a matronly wag of the finger that suggests they are trying to do us a favour .
4 A government that believes we are out of recession , but is still making Britain the Taiwan of Europe .
5 Sir J. Franklin desires me to give his compliments — he is in very good health & hopes you are the same . ’
6 Half starved and half blinded with glare and flies they are in a sorry condition of thirst and misery .
7 In short , women claimants would find themselves in a system that assumes they are alienated workers rather than — as the present system assumes — scrounging mistresses or ‘ walking wombs ’ .
8 John Gibbons , the president 's science adviser and OSTP director , says that the six FCCSET ( pronounced ‘ fix-it ’ ) initiatives , named after the Federal Coordinating Committee on Science , Engineering and Technology that supervises them are ‘ a dynamic list of topics ’ that are being reexamined for their contribution to national economic growth .
9 He has written a scientific paper in the journal of the Royal Society of Medicine that says you are likely to have significant long-term reductions in minor health problems if you acquire a dog .
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