Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb mod] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the biggest mistakes are made by people who think that the only horse worth buying is one of at least 16.2hh ; it 's a kind of snobbery than can often misfire .
2 The movement that began with Greek sculpture rapidly added other new areas of study to the familiar territories of language and literature , issuing in a serious concern not simply with " the classics " , but with ancient civilization in all its aspects : aspects that might well centre on the " facts " of ancient life , its physical relics , its customs and institutions : all of which to be summed up in the German word Realien .
3 By arranging them in dense rows with a settlement area below them , its possible to remove and collect much of the mulm that would otherwise build-up and clog the main media .
4 He said baiters broke the animal 's back and his jaw and would even resort to poking out his eyes if they were training a dog to fight .
5 In a statement , a spokesman for Gloucester magistrates says : The magistrates hear the facts on each case and will obviously sentence on it 's merits .
6 The Tories are , as in 1966 , once more devoid of ideas and can only resort to attacking and insulting the other parties .
7 The immediate economic imperatives have trapped the potential of partnerships which might otherwise attend to the more complex long-term issues and could therefore condition and shape our society in the future .
8 Stephen Pears made a fine save but could only palm the ball into the path of Steve Butler .
9 In most instances the cat will tend to be the dominant animal and may occasionally resort to scratching the dog if it proves a nuisance .
10 The selection of the preferred bidder will be made in conjunction with the client and may well hinge on factors other than the highest price ( i.e. intentions or nature of consideration ) .
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