Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [v-ing] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , after a glance at ‘ Luck of the Legion ’ , I went about for a week with a white handkerchief tucked into the back of my cap , ordering the dog to about-face or wooing it with words of French culled from the strip ( ‘ Oo-ee , mon pet it ’ ) .
2 Alternatively , by resting pasture or grazing it with another host , such as sheep , which are not susceptible to O. ostertagi , until most of the existing L3 on the pasture have died out .
3 I mean , you know , if you see an advert in the paper that tells you that every fifty pence you spend is going to save a child 's life by providing it with Diralite or providing it with food that it needs for a money , or something like that , I mean how can you justify keeping any fifty pences at all yourself ?
4 As casualties occur you can remove any of the models fighting and replace them with any models from a rearward rank — so you can change the ratio of nets to clubs by , say removing a club and replacing it with a net .
5 Adrenalin surged through her veins , clearing her mind and filling her with determination .
6 She had been thinking about her future and discussing it with her parents , and all of them had decided to sell the shop .
7 It seems right to see Hubble 's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision .
8 Order Code : 9350 Total Disks : 1 This program is ideal for introducing children to computers and helping them with their spelling .
9 You can do the same thing on a computer file , deleting each phonetic entry and replacing it with the phonemic transcription or an orthographic one .
10 ‘ It 's no good ‘ effing and blinding ’ , ’ he remonstrated mildly , holding her firmly by the shoulders and inspecting her with a brilliantly dispassionate gaze .
11 ‘ We have a tradition in our home of setting up a little crib and surrounding it with Nativity figures .
12 Nothing daunted , the reactor personnel managed to get an extra pump working by the space-age technique of forcing open a valve and jamming it with a steel plate , though this had the distinct disadvantage of immobilising all of the other safety systems .
13 Helpless in her pinioned position , she opened her mouth to make a cutting retort and met Roman 's questing finger , slowly outlining her mouth , feathering indescribable sensations over the surface of her skin , then sliding between her lips and parting them with such lazy insistence that a shiver of reaction made her tremble all over .
14 The investors do not perceive the warranties as providing them with a course of action , but as a way for management to confirm the business plan and the facts of the accountants ' report ; and provide as much information as possible about the business to be purchased .
15 Is the Prime Minister aware that in the year since he took office Scottish dole queues have lengthened by a further 28,000 , leaving almost 250,000 Scots without work and leaving him with an even worse record than his predecessor , the former first lady of mass unemployment ?
16 ‘ Well … we 're hardly strangers any more , are we ? ’ she demanded , thrusting her hands into her pockets and eyeing him with a trace of annoyance .
17 We will fight terrorism by every lawful means , repealing the counter-productive Prevention of Terrorism Act and replacing it with a measure which is more effective and genuinely acceptable in a democratic society .
18 And Mandeville 's Old Man ruled , of course , by feeding his followers hashish and dèluding them with dreams of paradise .
19 The latter turned his head as the door shut behind her , coming to his feet and raking her with a glance that was both sharp and insolent .
20 On our return the Agent had gone and the women were calm , unlike Bustos , that foolish puppy , spinning at my feet and fixing me with his heartbroken eyes .
21 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
22 Fellow worker Hazel Goff , who has St John 's Ambulance training , then administered first aid , cutting away Mr Chittenden 's burnt clothing and sponging him with water .
23 Taking an iron-clad hero and facing him with some massive task will not produce that air of almost unbearable suspense you should be looking for .
24 It was written by the Local Government Commission , which suggests scrapping the County Council and replacing it with four all powerful Unitary Councils .
25 ‘ What is ? ’ enquired the curate quietly , putting his papers inside the heavy bible on the desk and closing it with a sigh of satisfaction .
26 ‘ We 'll be taking our computing skills and combining them with their pure environmental knowledge .
27 He held both of them for a moment before turning to Ian and presenting him with a sword drawn from its scabbard .
28 The Second World War set back Stalin 's hopes of completely rebuilding Moscow and replacing it with a new Soviet city , centrally planned and co-ordinated like the economy .
29 The hermit crab partly avoids this complicated and hazardous process by having a shell-less hinder part and protecting it with a discarded mollusc shell , switching into a new one in a minute or so whenever it has the need .
30 This woodcut ( opposite ) gives an idea of the stages involved in the preparation of the blank flans and striking them with hand-held dies .
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