Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [v-ing] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It presented a far better opportunity for an unsolved murder than killing her on his own premises .
2 Adrenalin surged through her veins , clearing her mind and filling her with determination .
3 She waited for morning , the words playing through her mind and keeping her from sleep .
4 ‘ We will eat first , ’ Lubor smiled , parking his car and escorting her into a smart hotel .
5 ‘ It 's no good ‘ effing and blinding ’ , ’ he remonstrated mildly , holding her firmly by the shoulders and inspecting her with a brilliantly dispassionate gaze .
6 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
7 He moved with incredible speed , seizing her by the shoulders and propelling her towards the closed door , a hard violence etching the bones of his face into a mask that would have just done justice to a Viking warrior at his most rapacious .
8 I came round the desk then and raised Mrs. Porter by slipping one arm around her shoulders and heaving her into a sitting position .
9 Then he was smiling and laying a soft kiss against her lips before slipping one strong arm around her shoulders and leading her across the beach back to the house .
10 My father has been buying Margaret a designer wardrobe and escorting her to all the best restaurants and clubs and Suzie has taken up surf-boarding .
11 The latter turned his head as the door shut behind her , coming to his feet and raking her with a glance that was both sharp and insolent .
12 Then , as she began to think about it , her anger rose , asserting itself to an even greater degree and causing her to almost hiss at him , ‘ Tell me this — what sort of a hypocrite kisses a woman when he dislikes the entire sex ? ’
13 He was straightening slightly , slipping his free hand round her waist and gathering her against him .
14 ‘ It was a long time ago , ’ Roman said softly , slipping his arm round her waist and holding her against him as they walked .
15 ‘ Time for tea , ’ Roman said , replacing his arm round her waist and steering her into a nearby café .
16 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
17 When the olive-skinned Valentino was seen kidnapping a white girl and taking her to his tent where he seduced her , cinema audiences were treated to a franker exposé of naked lust on the screen than they had ever seen before .
18 Grabbing hold of that girl and pulling her into my chest is like a thousand dreams exploding , and her fragrance rocks me on my heels .
19 SIX people accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and turning her into a human torch appeared in court yesterday .
20 The office drivers buying her fierce Singha beer and teaching her to dance the Ramwong , and her library assistants taking her to markets and on river trips , bringing her sticky cakes and jasmine garlands and inviting her to their homes .
21 Isabel opened her mouth to protest at this cavalier treatment of her clothing , only to shut it again in alarm when he took a step forward and leaned over her , bracing his hands on the mattress and trapping her between them .
22 She shuddered , half laughing , the joy reaching her heart and enveloping her in such a wave of pleasure that she felt weak-kneed .
23 The Emperor , however , had not sought power simply in order to dazzle contemporaries with spectacle , but rather with the aim of putting France in the forefront of general progress and restoring her to what he considered to be her rightful place in Europe .
24 The charges allege that on various occasions over the 14 months to August last year at the home , she assaulted one woman by throwing her from her bed on to a chair then a commode , putting her in a bath against her will and pulling her along a corridor , and of assaulting the second woman in a similar manner by throwing her from her bed on to a wheelchair and then a commode , dragging her across a room and tying her to a chair .
25 ‘ If we 're lucky , ’ Damian drawled , leaning against the lift wall and watching her from below hooded lids , ‘ we might sort out Forster in one day .
26 ‘ The others hatched plans for him , like abducting Constanza and hiding her in the depth of Calabria .
27 Alejandro was all for putting a bullet through this she-devil 's head and dispatching her to the nearest abattoir .
28 Ross had taken her home , gently helping her out of the taxi and escorting her to the front door .
29 It was Louise who usually attended to Miriam , bringing her a ration of water and helping her nearer the fire at night .
30 While Jacob was still shaking his head , Nahum said , ‘ I believe I owe you and your gang a debt of thanks for finding Anna and bringing her to safety .
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