Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb base] [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 You can freeze these buns or make them the day before and keep in an airtight container .
2 However , of all the confusions that confront us the rumours alleging that the Hooligan gangs were armed with guns are particularly difficult to unravel , or to state in any balanced way .
3 So we 'd got to take the card and show her the Mother , we 'd been .
4 You will tell me if you find it was murder and give me the name of the murderer .
5 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
6 ‘ Cut the crap and show me the pics , ’ he said .
7 He was referring to the times at Achnacarry when I would on occasion meet the trainees returning from a speed march and pipe them the last two miles back to the camp .
8 Hamish would take pity upon this sorry figure and give him the duffle-coat to keep himself warm .
9 Let his man make his way back there , and let me have the third horse and bring you the quickest way to Ullesthorpe .
10 I ca n't find a bit that Give me the pencil and let me show you .
11 A series of injuries slowed his progress but ultimately , it was attitude that cost him the chance of blossoming into a great player .
12 When Batty comes back , why not preserve the current formation and make him the fifth defender , seeing as Speed seems to revel in the central midfield .
13 I 'll have to wait until Bluebeard 's in a mellow mood and tell him the truth .
14 Cyril Bradbury 's shocked daughter Denise had to make his breakfast at home and rush it the four miles to his bed wrapped in foil .
15 When they had gone , Cramer used the phone in the garage to put through a call to Sir Harry Marriott at his home and give him the news — the phone was more secure than a police radio band .
16 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
17 IT IS not a new idea to take an impressionable , imaginative girl and make her the saviour of a man on the run , providing food , warmth and emotional support .
18 WOW ! is a new three-part course for teenagers , designed to meet the challenges of teaching young beginners and bring you the rewards of success .
19 ‘ There was a time recently when a friend of mine said she was in love and could I look up the man in question 's chart and tell her the truth ?
20 One is to give all the children obstacles such as sacks , boxes , old tyres , ladders and ropes and give them the opportunity to make up their own course .
21 No I 'll keep it for when I have my money and I 'll go down to Cardiff and spend it the bloody lot .
22 Often bosses ignore workers or give them the silent treatment — a negative , no-win situation for all concerned .
23 The result is a database on which you can search for a favourite author or publisher , or search for packages that give you the required level of coverage of particular elements ( or units ) of competence .
24 " Electives ' , as they 're sometimes called , enable you to narrow your focus of study onto those specific subjects/classes that interest you the most .
25 If so you must register the package , Transend can help with many popular packages and save you the trouble of sending orders overseas .
26 If so you must register the package , Transend can help with many popular packages and save you the trouble of sending orders overseas .
27 It 's much better to look people in the eye and tell them the truth . ’
28 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
29 I heard Mick unzip the tent he shared with Paddy and hand him the tea .
30 Wing and leg it The security , with its metal detectors and baggage searches , would not have disgraced an El Al chicken counter .
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