Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb base] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the England ‘ B ’ side played the first 45 minutes of that match with the command and control that seemed sure to produce a notable victory .
2 The mixture of usefulness and display that explained the growing importance of the chaplains also lay behind the rise of other household officers .
3 The cat miaowed piteously again , and suddenly Virginia 's kind heart broke through the spell of fear and doubt that kept her feet glued to the path .
4 To Luce , a work of art was something intrinsically beautiful or fascinating , something produced with skill or merit that stirred the senses and provoked pleasure or sadness , or some more complicated response .
5 So had the cheerful chat and bustle that had formed the barely noticed background to our conversation .
6 It was a kind of loop and roll that dodged the pursuing aircraft and brought you up behind it .
7 The sound of the explosion melded into a terrible noise that was like an animal dying in awful , bellowing pain , but beneath that sound of agony was a harsh metallic scrape and clash that punched at my belly and eardrums .
8 She had tough parents to match , but an elder sister Gloria of such melting tenderness and charm that left one confounded by the biological processes .
9 There was a great gash across his face , a heavy blow from a sword or axe that had smashed his nose and cheekbone , and slashed right across his eyes .
10 The salesperson may pre-empt the objection in the following manner : ‘ My company is smaller than most in the industry which means that we respond quicker to our customers ’ needs and try that bit harder to make sure our customers are happy . ’
11 However , others have been content to accept the message in Problems of Social Policy : for example , Peter Gosden , in his detailed study of education in the war , cites Titmuss as the authoritative source on the social consequences of evacuation ; likewise , Raynes Minns concludes that the revelations of the children 's condition ‘ made headlines , and once again , as in 1914 , when the physical condition of army recruits was found to be so poor , war forced a British government to recognise the extremes of poverty and neglect that survived in our cities , and eventually to act by expanding our welfare services ’ .
12 The atmosphere of suspicion and intrigue that pervaded the White House , with the President increasingly remote from contact with everyday reality , was also captured by the famous tapes .
13 AFTER SEVEN years of perfecting an original and incisive style of investigative journalism in the provinces , I relished the opportunity to move to the big city and expose the callous greed and avarice that had poisoned the cynical entertainment industry for so long .
14 But after 1936 — a turning point for Poland — only the French continued to supply finance ( over 2,600 million francs ) and roughly half of the trade credits and finance that flowed through the economy came directly from the state .
15 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
16 He seemed far away from Ruth , in a trance whose nature she could only guess at — but free , she thought , of the despair and anger that beset him in their own world .
17 He had needed to wind down after the spiralling tensions of the day , and once again he felt the company warmth and support that had sustained him through the day .
18 She thought of the bleak , futuristic décor and the grey river beneath , and nodded abruptly before other thoughts could crowd unbidden into her head and start that agonised melting all over again .
19 Jenny grinned , that wide , slightly toothy grin which she tried so hard to avoid , and which filled her whole face with an animation and glow that turned Antony 's heart upside down .
20 It was the midfield and attack that won us the league .
21 The first glimpse of Father Philip had made his heart turn and contract in him with the pain of the memories that tugged him back towards Aber , older memories than the bitterness and anger that had driven him away .
22 His lips had shown a passion and need that had equalled her own but he had not pressed it any further .
23 We could have harnessed up the goat-cart and come and fetched you .
24 In the pre-unified past , Sotheby 's sold , without a peep of protest , a Pater and Lancret that had been looted from Potsdam ( The Art Newspaper , No. 1 , October 1990 , p. 1 ) ( subsequently reacquired ) , and negotiated with the Kupferstichkabinett , Berlin-Dahlem , in the sale of drawings from the Theodor Allan Heinrich estate , some of which had been looted .
25 All it had been was a futile expression of the frustration and anger that bubbled inside her .
26 All the frustration and anger that had been bottled up for 16 years were suddenly out .
27 Anita would you get a reading book love and sit and read it ?
28 He had encouraged and praised her , bullied her a little when she needed bullying , and given her the love and support that had made her feel , even in the darkest moments of self-doubt , that she could rise above all the problems and emerge triumphant .
29 It was an image that spread and took root everywhere , bringing with it a tradition of atrocious performances — sloppy , flat and prettifying — that lasted throughout his lifetime , for the entire 19th century and for too much of the 20th .
30 Actually I 've been I was sitting in the lounge today right and you know the situation there see his car going round the corner and stop and got out the car beaming at me , I said cor give him my old !
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