Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb past] to that " in BNC.

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1 This person might easily be the perpetrator of the crime that led to that appalling interment .
2 Homeless people got off trains at Euston , King 's Cross and Paddington and came to that area .
3 of the criteria and try to allocate those which would fall under the structure plan umbrella , those which would be more applicable at local plan level and added to that , give some form of weighting .
4 However , most drama activity should not be seen as leading to a polished end product ; even where this is the result , the most significant educational value of the activity will often have been found in the process that led to that end product .
5 Edward Boyle , whose thoughts and manner are finely captured in Maurice Kogan 's Politics of Education , was educated at Eton and Christ Church and belonged to that distinguished generation of Oxford men who dominated so much of post-war politics : Dick Crossman , Tony Crosland , Denis Healey , Harold Wilson , Roy Jenkins , Reginald Maudling , Michael Stewart , Tony Benn , Patrick Gordon Walker .
6 But as he passed the crossroads and came to that part of the road that wound down into Chesney he could n't help recalling the man he had seen skipping among the trees .
7 Moira McVitie says she 's got a pal that went to that Steptoe 's Clinic .
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