Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb past] [that] we " in BNC.

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1 I hoped that in the Queen 's Speech the Government would set out a programme that showed that we were prepared to play our part in removing the scourge of poverty , of short life and of environmental destruction which is the lot of so many people in the world .
2 British Sources wore a truculent glower and insisted that we were ‘ true Europeans ’ .
3 My friend was most unimpressed , he had seen the footprints but shrugged his shoulders and suggested that we move on .
4 He denounced function as an irrelevance and said that we needed to set up a structure .
5 Valeria had asked us for the afternoon and suggested that we should stay on for the evening , as her mother had gone to spend the night with a friend .
6 A number of writers have concentrated upon the psychological make-up of individuals and indicated that we need to be aware of the individual 's nature .
7 Dewey then identified the characteristics of practical judgments in terms of their tentative and hypothetical character and suggested that we may often misjudge what is to be done either because we have overlooked relevant facts or misinterpreted them or because we have misjudged the best course of action to be followed .
8 Culdrose Radar cleared us through the inactive low level danger area and agreed that we would follow the coastline through the combined MATZs .
9 The G M B has rejected this approach and recognized that we have to improve health and safety standards at the workplace .
10 She drained her glass and insisted that we go up at once and inspect the top floor of the house .
11 My father was not pleased when he came back early or unexpectedly from the hospital and found that we were out drinking or talking to girls .
12 They say Wednesday erm activity at Latton Bush , thanks for sending that information , I 've sent off the letter and said that we will take a stall and if anyone 's free to help
13 He defected from Freud 's psychoanalytic school and insisted that we were mainly motivated by ‘ strivings for superiority ’ .
14 Father had been a champion cyclist in his youth in Wales and saw that we were all given good bicycles when we reached years of discretion .
15 And he revealed : ‘ We sat down and took stock after losing to Leicester and decided that we had to stop feeling sorry for ourselves . ’
16 He walked me to the door with the kids in tow and said that we could all have a look inside , the kids as well , but even though I was shaking from head to toe , I said eventually , after we walked past the place at least four times , if I was going to do this I might as well do it on my own .
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