Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] [conj] at " in BNC.

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1 Smith contends that such expenditure is functional but contradictory : it serves the structural requirements of capitalism at home and abroad while at the same time destabilising the performance of the economic structure which it seeks to preserve in the long term .
2 The results presented in this paper with synthetic DNA fragments reveal clear footprints around GpC and GpT sites as well as at GpA in T(AT) 8 CG(AT) 15 .
3 He would have been able to look at Bracton and the medieval law as well as at Lord Castlehaven 's case .
4 At that time women were still employed underground in Cumberland filling the baskets as well as at surface tasks , while the wives of Staffordshire pitmen were said seldom to " do more than attend to the necessary calls of the Family " except for helping with the harvest .
5 Andropov wanted to reintroduce discipline among the Soviet Union 's allies as well as at home .
6 This enables much the same information to be obtained as that obtainable from the company 's membership register but only as at the return date .
7 This provides that , where the trustees of a settlement include at least one who is not resident in the United Kingdom as well as at least one who is resident in the United Kingdom , then for all the purposes of the Income Tax Acts : 1 .
8 Hewlett-Packard has raised the status of its Telecommunication Network Operation in Grenoble , France to that of business unit : it oversees operations in Cupertino and Singapore as well as at French headquarters .
9 Active during the day as well as at night , they appear to adjust their pace to the human by-products on which they depend , such as scraps from butchers shops and other handouts .
10 Leith was still gasping at his audacity as well as at his discernment when , flicking a glance at the way her chestnut hair was fastened in a repressive knot , he inserted with another glance at her severe hairstyle , ‘ Now why would a beautiful woman , with equally beautiful hair , try to hide her beauty behind glasses which she clearly does n't need , try to minimise the beauty of her splendid hair , and also try to detract attention from what I clearly recall is a figure of delightful shape and proportions ? ’
11 Oystercatchers are rarely noted away from the coast , but have been recorded on occasions on flooded levels as well as at the reservoirs .
12 She was close at hand at my birth as well as at my conception ; and she and my mother were often together .
13 And his appeal to ‘ the democracy ’ to assert its pacifist instincts was explicitly aimed at capital as well as at labour :
14 Thereafter , the long-term future of the game could be resolved by a 10-10-10-10 formula which would stimulate interest at the lower end of the league as well as at the top .
15 A five-month strike involving tax collectors , customs officers , statisticians and government accounts officers protesting at low wages as well as at archaic and deteriorating facilities ended in November 1989 .
16 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
17 Social services are a form of both consumption and investment at the individual as well as at the aggregate level .
18 It means that psychoanalysis takes a lot longer , because you are looking at defences and ego as well as at , at the .
19 They are hinged in the middle as well as at one side , and slide in top and bottom tracks .
20 The easing of compulsion in one part of a school 's obligations meant that those who managed curriculum balance , specific schemes of teaching and school policies of assessment at the primary as well as at the secondary levels grew uncertain about other issues .
21 Further note that in bar 3 viola part , the flat sign is placed before the C when it first appears in the lower part as well as at its first appearance in the upper part .
22 In winter rabbits are almost nocturnal in their feeding habits , but come summer and the shortened hours of darkness they are readily seen feeding in the evenings and at daybreak as well as at night .
23 Breeds on dry steppes , wintering in dry open country and farmland as well as at freshwater margins .
24 Director Tay Garnett took Beery aside and pointed out that Rooney was loved by everyone on the set as well as at the studio , and it would be ‘ most unfortunate if someone decided to part your hair with a sun arc .
25 The rules contain no provision about standing at the hearing stage , but the basic test of sufficient interest appears to apply at the hearing stage as well as at the leave stage .
26 Future versions of the Alpha will be made at the plant as well as at the one in South Queensferry , Scotland .
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