Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pers pn] also [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Since use of land for domestic and industrial purposes is largely incompatible with clean water , potable supply rivers tend to be found in rural settings where they also have considerable amenity value .
2 Our participants had the clear perception that they also have powers within the classroom , conceived as a specific social setting , and they act to establish themselves and their powers .
3 The purpose of the Bill is not to over-regulate but to allow as much discretion to local authorities as possible , bearing in mind that we also need certainty within the law , and I hope that I have struck a balance .
4 Soviet officials are taking the cruise-missile threat very seriously , though , bearing in mind that they also face similar weapons carried by B52 bombers and nuclear submarines .
5 You never really sort of said well was it , was it a slipped disc or is it gone or have you got ta go back for any more tests or anything like that er and bearing in mind that he also said he was keen on sports and he played tennis and so on , you could 've had the opportunity there to say oh have your back problem , back troubles made in difference to you in that area ?
6 Ethnomethodology is an organizational study of a member 's own knowledge of his ordinary affairs , of his own organized enterprises , where this knowledge is treated … as part of the same setting that it also makes orderable ( Garfinkel 1974 : 18 )
7 One had been given intramuscular ampicillin for a septic cord ; one had had a traumatic caesarean birth ; one had had a difficult birth with vacuum extraction and he also had a ventricular septal defect ; one had a heart murmur ; and one had been premature and in a special care unit with hypotonia and jaundice .
8 The group meets four times a week ; in addition we have individual counselling sessions and we also meet with couples .
9 For example , one of the galleries might want the Picasso if it also gets the Cezanne but not the Turner ; but it would not insist on the Picasso if it got the Turner ; but would want both if it did not get the Cezanne .
10 Specialist cells serve other cells in the club and they also benefit from the efficiency of other specialists .
11 That struggle shaped Germany for the subsequent two centuries and it also determined much of the shape of Europe prior to the First World War .
12 The Committee succeeded in preventing drilling up until Friday and they also received the support of the Fintown Development Committee in their stand .
13 Most low attainers lack knowledge of the relationship between metric units and they also have problems with decimals .
14 We deliver parcels , all parcels for Grattans and we also deliver for the Next Directory as well .
15 Dairy products make up over 20 per cent of our calories and they also provide over 20 per cent of our protein intake and much of our calcium .
16 I think it 's vital that any animal we hold in captivity , wild or otherwise is looked after properly and that it 's well done and for that you need help and guidance and you also need minimum standards to ensure it 's done well .
17 Mr Major was in the city to open new buildings at Oriel College and he also went on an impromtu walkabout , meeting people in the city centre .
18 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
19 We assess our assistant stewardesses for promotion to other areas of work aboard the cruise ship which makes this job a very good entry level for those who wish to make a career in the industry and we also run a training scheme for our housekeeping department .
20 He wrote out cheques from the account to pay his credit card debts , rent arrears and he also used it to clear phone bills and part of £500 taxi bill .
21 The next year we were at Muirfield and I also did the Canada Cup with Peter the following year , 1960 , and here he broke the news to me that he wanted to use his regular St Andrews caddie Wal Gillespie for the 1960 Open .
22 This brightens and hardens the surface of cutlery so it becomes more resistant to wear and it also removes minor scratches .
23 ‘ Not only do Bernie and I love animals but we also love children and have recently sponsored two Romanian babies , ’ she says .
24 So , in this , very animal loving assembly , I think er , you would agree er , only twenty one are vegetarians and seventy nine people love animals but they also enjoy chewing on them from time to time .
25 I I 'm very grateful to the minister for his patience but er on the other hand it could be argued that it 's no use having a duty to report fraud unless you also have a duty to detect fraud .
26 The bible forbids the taking of blood but we also believe it protects us against many of the medical problems which exist today
27 They were concerned about their own roles but they also felt there was no historical evidence of local authority commitment to mental health services and they therefore feared losing hard-won resources to these authorities .
28 This can reduce weight but it also constitutes drug-taking , for which you may face a lifetime ban .
29 The study not only describes changes in central-local relationships but it also attempts to explain them .
30 It produces that effect but it also makes er males more aggressive , more likely to take risks , which explains the accident figures , more likely to become involved in violence .
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