Example sentences of "[adv] than they had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted my friends to know me better than they had before .
2 For a while my self-loathing and judgement of self went deeper than they had ever been in my life .
3 They were nearer tonight than they had ever been .
4 They needed British and West European support more than they had previously been prepared to admit .
5 He went on to repeat the Prime Minister 's bland assurance that , far from experiencing poverty , most students were better off than they had ever been before .
6 From almost every hilltop it was possible to see the great column of smoke , still far , but much nearer than they had ever seen it before .
7 When he had been in work he had eaten at 6 o'clock when he got home , but now they ate much later than they had ever done .
8 Richard and Beth were hers at last , the family she had been cruelly denied ; because of love , and guilt and shame , they were closer now than they had ever been .
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