Example sentences of "[adv] more [adj] than it " in BNC.

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1 The debate about using readmission to measure quality of care is obviously much more complex than it seems at first sight .
2 The scene is much more complex than it was say a generation or two ago and Moderator we in the Church of England should be much interested to learn in due course whether you too will feel a need to make liturgical revision for these various paths to faith .
3 For many patients with cancer , the prospect of long-term survival without recurrence is much more uncertain than it is , say , for infections , such as tuberculosis or cholera .
4 Professor Hurstfield has however inferred from the preamble that the government wanted something much more far-reaching than it got : nothing less than unlimited authority to legislate by proclamation .
5 Your time is much more limited than it would be in a real case , and you can not afford to waste it ; on the other hand , it is no use gabbling what you have to say , for then it will not be understood .
6 This is all much more simple than it might seem from the previous , necessarily precise , rules .
7 The youth component of that crime is much more substantial than it was , according to all the figures .
8 You 've got to get Boris 's agreement before anyone can press the trigger or is this actually much more dangerous than it sounds , is he saying we want to take over the nuclear weapons .
9 ‘ It 's much more important than it used to be , ’ concedes Martin Hawtree , Secretary of the British Association of Golf Course Architects ( BAGCA ) .
10 I had few worries that she would suddenly take an interest in American history , but she might notice something out of place and the combination lock looked much more sophisticated than it actually was .
11 At the beginning of the year , however , the trend argument was much more plausible than it is today .
12 In accounting for the curious distortion of the doctrine that has taken place in England , it is clear that this can not be explained by the mere presence of constitutional arrangements based on a separation of powers or it would be much more prevalent than it is .
13 I would first like to explain your obligations on an issue which has caused a great deal of concern and confusion for returners by being made to appear much more complicated than it actually is .
14 This is much more difficult than it sounds , and requires a great deal of skill and practice ( see Mann 1985 ; Oppenheim 1966 ) .
15 Schoolteachers were not expected to engage in research , and by the 1870s this was anyway much more difficult than it had been in 1800 : there was more to master first , and more equipment was needed .
16 Everything was er so much more difficult than it , than it is today and er things were not sort of disposed of like they are now .
17 Cnut still had a difficult road to travel , but by the end of 1017 some major obstacles already lay behind him , and his position in England was much more secure than it had been twelve months earlier .
18 Clearly there can be no real risk or toxic shock syndrome would be very much more common than it is .
19 Like most villages , Lund in past times was much more self-sufficient than it is now , with its own grocers , shoemakers , tailors and the like and , during the 19th century , a second public house , the Speed the Plough .
20 That is to say , scholars have assumed that around 1550 the English language became much more convergent than it had been before even though there can be no direct evidence that spoken English did become more convergent .
21 Ever since the days it had been called Kingstown , it had been a lovely place to live ; tropical palm trees along the coast line made it seem like somewhere much more exotic than it really was .
22 Volcanoes emit very large concentr very large amounts of hydrochloric acid as a gas H C L gas and earlier in the earth 's history volcanic activity was much , much more widespread than it is now and during this period vast amounts of H C L were emitted .
23 Nevertheless , the relationship between politics and historiography was incomparably more complex than it had been in Stalin 's day .
24 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
25 Rather more lively than it would appear to be nowadays . ’
26 Christmas of 1919 seems to have been vastly more festive than it had been at the workhouse in , say , the Dickensian days of 1844 .
27 By means of the balance — long used by assayers and druggists , but less by theoreticians — he made chemistry into something a little more quantitative than it had been .
28 Because of this the language in video materials , even for elementary level , tends to be a little more varied than it would be in the textbook .
29 The excitement is in the expectation that , having been around and seen all that you can , the end product will be at least a little more interesting than it might have been if you had stayed at home .
30 Landscape painting is flourishing in Scotland today , artists resident , their subject matter possibly more valued than it has ever been with so much ‘ green ’ and wilderness awareness .
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