Example sentences of "[adv] than [pron] [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A horse that has had no exercise all day is less likely to stand still for the farrier than one that has just been ridden ; and a youngster that has never been ridden out on the road before will be considerably more nervous if it goes alone than it would with a companion .
2 The schools of Freud and Jung are now much closer together than they used to be : it 's been said that Jungians tend to be more ‘ spiritually ’ orientated .
3 Most of the people who went to Virginia or the West Indies were clearly looking for an opportunity to do better than they could in England , and if they made fortunes they would probably go back to England to enjoy their wealth , but the Massachusetts Bay Company was more concerned with escape from England or with the creation of a society that improved on its better aspects and rejected the worse .
4 If today we can see better than we could at the time the agonized grandeur of the figure of Pope Paul , the one almost ‘ liberal ’ pope of modern times , we can also see how deeply uncertain was the Church he left behind him and — after twelve years — we begin too to be able to assess in its very different character the pontificate of John Paul II .
5 They and the lively photographs tell the story better than I can with words .
6 The leader takes account of these responses in choosing its output and is able to do better than it would under Cournot reactions there is a ‘ first mover ’ or precommitment advantage .
7 Medical treatment for hay fever is now much better than it used to be .
8 The only problem is that it is messy and somewhat smelly , though much less so than it used to be .
9 The industry is also getting a lot more respect from outside than it used to , Mr Hirst believes .
10 One is that people are living longer than they used to , and it is obviously a help if their teeth last longer too .
11 For example , people are living longer than they used to .
12 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
13 My only qualm is that the final answer ( any shape , but get the size right ) is a bit of an anticlimax and , despite the author 's deftly misdirecting hand , those with a feeling for scale-changes will spot it sooner than they ought to .
14 There 's another public site at Hinksey Hill , which is very new , where they 've settled well , and there is about to be a private site out at Frilford , and that site will allow the Vale to be designated and that means that people who are encamped illegally in laybys and bridleways and grass verges can be moved on much more quickly than they can at the moment erm and if we 're not careful they 'll all be moving into West Oxfordshire .
15 So maybe it took one minute more than it should as the crow flies .
16 Gifts made prior to the introduction of inheritance tax will not be assessed more harshly than they would under CTT , had it continued .
17 Though we feel ourselves to be much more comfortable now than we used to be , there has been very little increase in domestic fuel demand over fifty years or more .
18 Inside each brown case waited the empty skull-face , folded flat , with a flappy rubber nose and hard cylindrical snout , though they frightened Dot less now than they used to .
19 Gamma Virginis or Arich is also a binary ; the identical components can be split with almost any telescope , though not with binoculars ( they are much less wide apart now than they used to be 50 years ago , and the separation is decreasing steadily ) .
20 In fact , if anything , little boys die more than little girls , even more now than they used to in the past , so it ca n't be anything to do with health care in case
21 The door is great I mean it 's bigger actually the doors and windows are bigger now than they used to be , are n't they ?
22 So you think the students are quieter and , and working harder now than they used to .
23 I think perhaps one difference is they 've become much larger and more complicated and I certainly think that parents in particular tend to expect far more of schools now than they used to .
24 I suppose it 's something to do with me being happy , being married , knowing where I am : I can see things more clearly now than I used to .
25 But JPL is still associated with Caltech , and acceptance of classified research at US universities is much less ready now than it used to be .
26 now than it used to be , or is it just about the same ?
27 Yes , I think that 's true , but at the same time there is a debate going on as to whether in fact there 's more violence now than there used to be , some people say there is more violence , other people say that , that erm that 's not the case .
28 Water is eight hundred times as dense as air , and the slightest bump or protuberance on the body can cause drag , more even than it would on a bird or an aeroplane .
29 Well they , they had to do the , it had n't used to have very good drainage and far more of a slope , it , it 's far more level today than it used to be , it used to have a great slope towards the long end which was considered an advantage to Walsall and the water used to gather , but I believe the improved the drainage and had pipes put under which it , it does n't seem to gather water so much now down at the railway end .
30 I think you would draw a different picture of it here than you would in Manchester or the Derby area .
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