Example sentences of "[adv] time and [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Only time and scholarship eventually sort out the various relationships of artists who worked together .
2 This ensured that our customers not only complied with , but had taken positive preventative action to implement procedures and controls in advance of these new regulations , saving them both time and money today .
3 Just as many equality feminists opposed shoring up the traditional family at the beginning of the century , so present-day Labour has been challenged internally time and time again — and externally by the women 's and lesbians and gay liberation movements — on its sexual politics .
4 A chasm has undoubtedly developed , but the sporadic re-emergency of the blasted simulators — they keep crawling up time and time again with bedraggled , sanguine hollers of intent - and the beady eyes cast by all manner of unlikely contenders on pop 's centre stage ( ‘ We see no reason why this band should n't be huge ’ ) — suggests that our new proposition of an overground and underground sticks in the craw .
5 It comes up time and time again , and you have to know the difference between the different types .
6 ‘ Three names kept cropping up time and time again , ’ a police spokesman said .
7 The blueprint based on his earlier experiences ensured that the old drama was played out time and time again , thereby validating its own predictions .
8 Mr Pascall 's emphasis came back time and time again to the idea of a ‘ framework ’ : ‘ The purpose of the national curriculum , ’ he said , ‘ is to ensure that there is a framework so that we can be confident that every child has the opportunity to read widely , to develop the habit of reading and to develop the love and understanding of literature .
9 From the moment guests phone through their reservation , to the day they check out , it provides a range of services which make their stay more enjoyable and brings them back time and time again .
10 If you have ever actually looked at this document that they have produced for today 's meeting , it is not a strategy , it 's not a statement , it 's just a trotting out of the old stories that have been knocked back time and time again , but if they 're gon na bring it out , let's knock it back again .
11 We 'll debate and these instructions , but there 's always this shortfall , and it 's been going on for far too long , and we still have an increasing number of responsibilities , and I just find it extremely distressing to have to sit here time and time again , to go through doing things that we really know we should n't be .
12 It was at the conference in the Vatican mentioned earlier that I first put forward the suggestion that maybe time and space together formed a surface that was finite in size but did not have any boundary or edge .
13 Of course nothing remotely approaches the indulgent , yet time and time again Pollini characterises the music with an infinite subtlety which makes other interpretations appear almost cosmetic in comparison : listen to how gently he coaxes ( never caresses ! ) the opening phrases of and you 'll hear what I mean .
14 Everyone assumes that students know how to make and use their notes , and yet time and time again a piece of work does not receive the grade it deserves because crucial material or ideas have been left out ; often this is information which the lecturer gave out in classes but which the student did not note down .
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