Example sentences of "[adv] did he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The wind screeched in his ears , making consecutive thought almost impossible so that not only did he have to struggle in desperate conflict with the conditions but had also to fight to hold to his concentration .
2 Not only did he have to keep wafting a smoke machine to create that distinctive curry house fug , and smoking cigarettes down to the level of the previous scene ; he also had to keep up a steady supply of fresh poppadums .
3 He did not have to suppose that an animal could foresee the consequences of its behaviour ; still less did he have to suppose that an animal could imagine what it would do in its partner 's place .
4 What right did he have to come back into her life like this , trying to shatter it into little pieces that could n't be put back together for a second time ?
5 so why did he have to die ?
6 If he was ill , bad luck , but why did he have to ruin everything for me ?
7 Why did he have to ask all these questions ?
8 Why did he have to lead her instead down an obscure passage to a toilet where generations of old and ugly and smelly monks had been relieving themselves ?
9 Why did he have to choose this moment to be nice to her ?
10 Why did he have to do that ?
11 Why did he have to do that ?
12 Why did he have to do that ?
13 But why did he have to leave his job ?
14 Why did he have to frighten people so much ?
15 Well if he 's keeping forward with his policies , why did he have to sack the man ?
16 Why did he have to come here ? ’
17 Why did he have to hate her so much ?
18 Oh , why did he have to look so irresistibly handsome when he smiled like that ?
19 And when he stood to strip off his tunic and shirt to have his arm attended to , why did he have to look so big and strong ?
20 Why did he have to make her feel so stupid ?
21 Why did he have to make such a provocative remark ?
22 Why did he have to keep it there for three hours ?
23 Perhaps not , perhaps he was wishfully imagining it — but what else did he have to go on ?
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