Example sentences of "[adv] when it [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 On this basis alone the islands have clearly exceeded their carrying capacity , the more so when it is realised that almost all the food imports are in the form of foreign aid .
32 To attack the predator while it is in a stable position on the ground is far riskier than to do so when it is clinging to high branches .
33 Here it suffices to say that the aim is to ensure that a company is required to do so when it is thought that the matter is one that the public needs to know .
34 The use of a shotgun for rabbit clearance , as opposed to the fun of the occasional shot , continues to be less effective than the rifle and especially so when it is used by individuals rather than in conjunction with an organised rough rabbit shoot .
35 This is particularly so when it is remembered that the working parties are serviced by the DES , whose influence on a group of disparate experts meeting only intermittently and working under great pressure , is very considerable indeed .
36 This is particularly so when it is remembered that certificates are only granted in those cases where there are reasonable grounds for taking action .
37 Any murder , anywhere , is unforgivable — but particularly so when it is committed against innocent children undergoing treatment . ’
38 So when it 's added to harmful substances , it makes them unpalatable .
39 The new rule , which should have come into effect on 1 April , will now be brought in when it is felt that more companies can afford the 5,000 koruny ( US$160 ) needed to fit the device .
40 David has a theory that the crop grows better when it 's exposed to music .
41 ‘ That form of music definitely works best when it is kept simple , which does n't , of course , mean that it 's easy to do ; being inventive within a restricted format is one of the hardest things to do .
42 The essay works best when it is dealing with people ; and most of these are biographical sketches .
43 But a candidate not so ear-marked may sink to an F or G anyway when it is found that his language though intelligible is not accurate , or that though he knows some historical terminology he uses it inappropriately .
44 You may well notice at first that your dog scratches persistently when it is infected , in spite of being told to stop doing so .
45 Footballers and all other competitive sports people stay out but cricketers scurry back inside just when it is getting interesting .
46 Any character may take this item , but each time it is used ( not just when it is worn ! ) , the wearer must make a successful WP test or suffer from despair for D10 turns .
47 It was simply that a bottle of brandy , even of the kind intended only for the kitchen ( by which I do n't mean something not fit to drink , I mean something one prefers not to drink ) , somehow always turns out in fact to have been drunk by somebody just when it is needed for cooking and has n't been replaced , while whisky is a supply which is more or less automatically re-ordered as soon as it runs out .
48 The voluntary bodies must be consulted in a rather more positive fashion than the very flimsy effort so far produced by the Scottish Development Department and the Government must now throw the baby out with the bath water and greatly weaken our statutory conservation agency just when it is needed most .
49 The short duration of the contracts on offer is considered unrealistic and Jim Halliday , chairman of the BWEA , believes Britain 's renewable energy programme could be halted " just when it is needed most " since the NFFO is threatened with termination in 1998 .
50 Besides , its new paymaster — the Russian leadership — is keen to avoid anything that would embarrass Britain , just when it 's asking for Western aid .
51 Unless you 're confident about reefing in strong winds , keeping your cool in a choppy sea , and paddling a line ashore when it 's gusting , life can be a little daunting .
52 Even the boring days outside when it 's raining and you 've finished the paper and you do n't know how you 'll last till bedtime are days to savour , compared to drying up in a cell .
53 The condition can also follow heavy applications of lime and is one of the risks that have to be taken when a heavy liming is needed to neutralize severe acidity quickly when it is causing problems like canker for example .
54 The same piece of information is seen differently when it is received from a favourite and trusted subordinate than when it is received from the manager of the intelligence section : the manager of the intelligence section is neither respected nor trusted .
55 And if , whether from an examination of the assumptions on which the doctrine depends , or from an inspection of the results both when it is acted upon and when it is not , they conclude that it is mistaken anyway , they will also dismiss the Marxist criticism .
56 Accordingly , a stimulus will be relatively ineffective both when it has itself recently occurred and also when it is presented along with cues that have previously signalled its occurrence .
57 When each noun code is matched up with its appropriate argument ( e.g. when it is established that the boy is the agent , the girl the acted-upon , and the flower the instrument ) , we have reached the second level of representation of the sentence — functional-level representation .
58 People always protest against new forms of taxation , and in this case they will protest now when it is threatened , and again next year when half is imposed and half is threatened , and again in 1995 when the full effect is felt on fuel bills .
59 Will the Secretary of State ensure that the substantial sum that the European Community wants to give us , and which the coalfield communities want to receive , is given now when it is needed ?
60 Indeed , often when it is adopted the final accounts are adjusted to appear as accruals accounts .
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