Example sentences of "[adv] when it is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , N-Oct 5 protein probably can inhibit only when it is in large excess to N-Oct 3 .
2 People who have infected sores , such as boils or styes , or who have diarrhoeal conditions , should not prepare food , especially when it is to be distributed to large numbers .
3 Yet progress comes to every backwater , especially when it is on television .
4 I am troubled by the rush of young researchers attempting to prove that females are not inferior to males in such-and-such an ability or such-and-such a trait , especially when it is by no means clear what difference it makes .
5 Even when it is at rest , silent and apparently non-polluting , the car continues to have environmental impacts .
6 Even when it is in session it devotes relatively little energy to the serious scrutiny and debate of government policy .
7 Even when it is near its best , the call to faith in modern preaching can often border on idealism .
8 Even when it is near the zenith , as it can of course be from the southern hemisphere , it still twinkles quite noticeably .
9 It appears brightest when it is between inferior conjunction and a maximum elongation with about 30% of the Earth-facing hemisphere illuminated by the Sun .
10 with an enumerative classification such as LC , it may be impossible to generalize about when it is worth offering adjacent codes , and
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