Example sentences of "[adv] when [pron] [vb past] you " in BNC.

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1 She had certainly not planned on saying that , it was just that there was no reason to hate an old woman just because you hated her insufferable grandson , especially when she reminded you , in some indefinable way , of your own grandmother — but why should she explain any of that to this man ?
2 So when you retired you came to live here , was that it ?
3 So when he heard you were in town he hit on a plan to get rid of both of you .
4 So when he called you for the Comeback Special , was that something you did happily ?
5 Dad said to me , ‘ Just imagine if you had packed it in when I told you to !
6 ‘ Why did n't you go away when I asked you ? ’
7 So , just when you thought you could n't afford a real Paul Reed Smith and were going to spend what money you had managed to save on something else , along comes the new EG range .
8 Just when you thought you 'd got some idea of the size , a cloud would stream past and the perspective would wind back .
9 Just when you thought you had it all figured out , it threw you a curve like this .
10 ‘ I can tell you exactly when I saw you last , ’ Peter said , the urge to surprise her briefly triumphing over the other emotions she aroused .
11 They were just about to go home when they found you . ’
12 for June to starting , and then she said , did you rule off when I told ya .
13 Now when I said you were very good at it I said what 's fifty as a fraction of one fifty ?
14 And even when I learned you were a prying journalist — and when I 've always preferred my walks to be solitary — what do I find but that I 'm asking if you would like to walk with me ! ’
15 Even when you knew you were going to blush , thought Catriona , you could never do anything about it .
16 I was n't even here when he brought you in .
17 But it was there when my heart softened on witnessing the courtesy you showed my housekeeper , the smile you had for her ; there when I asked you to dinner with no certainty why I 'd done so , other than that it most assuredly was n't on account of any interview .
18 Then when he followed you down the corridor I thought I 'd better make sure you were alright . ’
19 Then when I saw you I realised suddenly that you were just the friend who would help to make it all a success .
20 where was you then when I saw you going out in your car ?
21 And then when I gave you the minimum premium er it was like right okay well that 's , that 's the easy way out is n't it , twenty quid a month , okay I might do something for twenty quid because I was n't committed and that 's what exploration of needs is all about and it 's , it 's so easy for me to sit and say yeah that 's what you need to do but putting myself in your shoes , you know , a few years ago
22 Why I asked your husband if we could all three meet for a little when I got you home . ’
23 ‘ I was wrong too when I thought you needed my protection .
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