Example sentences of "[adv] she [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And apparently she phoned her the other night at half past twelve and said can you come and pick me up ? said no .
2 That might in itself imply that she felt for some reason that she would be suspected , or perhaps she knew who the killer was and preferred to keep quiet .
3 So she told us the last time she was round she was going on a course for that sort of thing and she said now would you like to try it said fair enough .
4 And I 'm no good at tying laces so she got me a pair of Adidas you know with the velcro ,
5 So she shows me the outfit : silk , black and white checks , turquoise squiggles , all gold and silver and apricot with matching trousers .
6 Cos I was passing it so she gave me a couple of tablets .
7 So she give me a set of keys .
8 So she give him a and she said
9 So she did what an increasing number of British women are now doing — she had cosmetic surgery .
10 and knit a jumper for Michael an'all , when Michael 's in she knits him a jumper , the jumper
11 Downstairs she made herself a cup of coffee and carried it out onto the patio and drank it at the table , smoked a loose-rolled sweet Italian cigarette , and watched the coming of the dawn .
12 Anyway she sent her a tenner so she 's going to have her hair permed
13 Jo Joan when she came over she gave me a hug and she said I mean every word of that mum .
14 Once or twice Paula teased me about nude swimming , and once she gave me a brief conducted tour of the gardens and the house .
15 The more she praised me the quicker the needles clicked .
16 Well well he said when he 's not there she comes home she cooks them an evening meal but she 's she she 's she 's got a p , he said she 's got ta give some time to Harriet , that 's not fair
17 Quickly she gave him a tip , also a message to be delivered to William Ash , warning him that she 'd be in contact with him as soon as she knew where Ace planned to base himself .
18 A second later she knew what the sound was , for having heard her too , the most beautiful Dobermann suddenly came tearing round the side of the house and charged full pelt at her .
19 Later she made herself a light salad for lunch and ate it on the terrace .
20 When I phoned up she said what a lovely card !
21 So she said I think that was damn rude she said she 's just slammed the phone down on Deborah and there 's really no need for that , well she said it 's private between me and Debbie , then we found out she got her a job
22 There was nowhere to park the car , and that solved any uncertainty about how to handle the parting ; before she slid out she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek like a schoolyard dare , and was gone before there could be any reaction .
23 Now she knew what the heat meant .
24 Well she has one every day .
25 A few months ago she sent me a letter , informing me that during a recent visit to All Saints church , Gresford , she had discovered that the church contained a standing stone .
26 Here she gave us a happy home for the next twenty years .
27 Did n't she realise what a sacrifice when I asked him to make it .
28 Why ca n't she love me the way I am ? ’
29 I mean , why did n't she tell me the truth , I can understand you know , I could , you know , I could perha if she 'd just tell me the truth you know tell me why she 's u , what she 's up to and that .
30 Well why does n't she buy him a computer ?
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