Example sentences of "[adv] as he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stitch 's nose had twitched eagerly as he took in the size of the Imperial .
2 Harry brooded , frowning terribly as he toyed with his knife .
3 At times he would brood gloomily as he thought of the future course of the Reformation .
4 He drew off some fluid and relieved the pressure , then went back to the office , where he shook his head gloomily as he pored over the report that had come back with her from Seapark .
5 ‘ No … ’ she whispered tremulously as he marched across the sand towards the dark lawns leading up to the cottage .
6 She felt Adam 's ribs swell suddenly as he took in a huge breath ; he thrust her away from him , seized hold of the roof slab as if to pull it down on top of them ; and screamed .
7 Much as he wanted to , and much as he had been moved by her tears , he could not find it in him to forgive her .
8 Finally the hot-blooded Greek 's strong character was broken by the obstinacy and indifference of the stalwart servants of state , and , much as he loathed to , he quit his beloved Russia .
9 And Madra there , also , he suddenly remembered , and groaned aloud as he thought of the complications ahead .
10 In the event it was 1928 before they finally left the course on loan to a Mr. Parsons so long as he looked after them .
11 It is unlikely that he would have gone to a children 's home in the first place and stayed for as long as he did before fostering was tried .
12 He had asked John Prior Estlin for letters of introduction to the Unitarian ministers at Bridgwater and Taunton , and became a regular preacher in both towns for as long as he remained at Stowey .
13 Wright — so long as he remained in exile — could write what he liked .
14 He knew he was safe so long as he remained in the kitchen .
15 Held , dismissing the appeal , that on the plain words of section 2(1) ( a ) of the Rent Act 1977 a statutory tenant enjoyed that status so long as he remained in occupation of the dwelling house as his residence , and , therefore , the defendant had remained a statutory tenant after the possession order had been made ; that since she was neither a statutorily protected nor an excluded tenant within the meaning of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 she was entitled to the protection of section 3 of that Act and could not lawfully be removed from the premises until the possession order had been executed in accordance with rules of court ; that since the only method of enforcement provided by the County Court Rules 1981 was by execution of a possession warrant in accordance with Ord. 26 , r. 17 , the plaintiff was not entitled to re-enter by other means ; and that , accordingly , the defendant was entitled to damages for unlawful eviction under section 27 of the Act of 1988 ( post , pp. 879B , 881D–E , G–H , 882A–B , B–C , 883C–E ) .
16 He believed that so long as he remained in the Government the Press attacks would continue and that his supposedly malevolent influence would be blamed for every failure .
17 The tsar had been enthusiastic about change so long as he remained in the orbit of Elena Pavlovna , but in St Petersburg his convictions or his courage deserted him .
18 Mains now realises tat there is a need for a certain amount of public relations work in his job , especially as he came to the coaching position under strained circumstances .
19 He took the Canal Turn as fluently as he had on the first circuit , then swept towards Valentine 's Brook .
20 Caroline had no choice but to trot alongside as he strode towards an arched doorway .
21 He was playing with it impatiently as he listened to the old man .
22 ‘ It really does n't matter to me how you get upstairs , ’ he said indifferently as he followed behind her .
23 David Button , a father-of-six , was knocked down as he cycled from his home in Hedgerley , Bucks .
24 Gemayel 's foot tapped up and down as he warmed to his subject , his large oak desk shaking slightly with the vibration .
25 Two things made him slow down as he came to the entrance .
26 Bodie drove quickly to the Stones ' house , slowing down as he came into the street at the far end .
27 He always laughed noiselessly , his jaw snapping up and down as he took in great gulps of air .
28 Eventually he 'd give up and walk away , his grey beard moving up and down as he mumbled to himself , the words spilling out of his almost toothless mouth .
29 He was breathing quickly , his nostrils pinching in as he thought of the coming confrontation with his wife .
30 To a casual passenger , glancing in as he lurched down the corridor , they must , thought Dalgliesh , have looked like two penitents in a private confessional absolving each other .
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