Example sentences of "[adv] as i [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was personally told he was not concerned about my past so long as I kept up a volume of business , ’ he said .
2 And so as I grew up er they knew me and I knew them and I was to need one or two later on , for various reasons , but er you could n't see it at the time .
3 But suddenly , just as I grabbed up the half-eroded head of a carved-stone monkey , I found my finger caught so fast between its gritty teeth that a gasp broke from me .
4 th than first thing in the morning erm whereas I , I think probably I am probably better as soon as I get up than last thing at night .
5 And as soon as I get up I say you coming ?
6 And as soon as I faced up to that , I realised my fears no longer applied . ’
7 ‘ As soon as I stood up I knew it was going to be bad .
8 ‘ As soon as I stood up to speak everyone began putting their coats on and getting ready to leave , ’ joked Mal .
9 It was dark and the sea was rising rapidly as I came up the firth , keeping the bows in the direction of the flashing lighthouse on the White Hill of Vatster .
10 And well I remember hearing about it and and saw it probably as I grew up myself .
11 It cheers me up as I come up in the lift and stagger out blinking in the daylight .
12 ‘ Who did you say you were looking for ? ’ she asked suspiciously as I pulled up a weatherbeaten bus seat .
13 Only the young Swede and the attendant took a sympathetic interest and pointed helpfully as I gathered up the meatballs and deposited them in the ashtray .
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