Example sentences of "[adv] as she could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Robyn walked forward into the brightly lit , ultra-modern kitchen as purposefully as she could manage and took the mug of steaming coffee he held out to her with shaking hands .
2 Just in case , Thérèse performed as many acts of mortification daily as she could think of .
3 She was perfectly happy to live like a student twenty years after art college , anything so long as she could paint .
4 She watched him for as long as she could bear to , anger warring with a sense of duty , then abruptly she marched into the house , and with gritted teeth and a distinctly martyred feeling she began to resentfully sort out a bag to take with her to Soufrière .
5 She had no intention whatsoever of breakfasting with him , though , and stayed in her room for as long as she could bear it .
6 This was followed by an interview between the President and Von Papen : and I can not help thinking that , during their conversation together , the former must have assured the latter that , so long as she could hold out against Allied demands , Turkey would abstain from hostile action towards Germany .
7 Dot listened as the grown-ups continued to grumble along as they had done for as long as she could remember , like the harmless rumble of gunfire faraway .
8 Rose Mundy told me of her continual battle with overweight thighs , a problem that had been with her for as long as she could remember .
9 They went up to the small room where Eve had lived for as long as she could remember .
10 Ellie ran upstairs , threw off her old blouse and skirt and her much darned stockings , and got hurriedly dressed in her Sunday best , yet another variation on the plain black dress with detachable collar and cuffs she had been wearing for as long as she could remember .
11 ( Menina was Portuguese for " Miss " , and Candida had called Sara that for as long as she could remember . )
12 For the first time she felt a faint stirring of compassion for her own mother , whose obsession with her appearance , shopping , flirtation and gossip Julia had despised for as long as she could remember .
13 For as long as she could remember she had herself been in love with the man who led the greyhounds and their attendants on a dignified procession round the track before the race began .
14 She had basked in the knowledge for as long as she could remember .
15 Yet for as long as she could remember she 'd been instructed to do so .
16 For as long as she could remember , her hair had been kept in a short no-nonsense style that would n't require any of her precious time to look after it .
17 She saw that she must do exactly that — run away from him as he had suggested , but as far away as she could go !
18 ‘ Then maybe you should get control of your temper and go to bed , ’ Jenna said as coolly as she could manage .
19 Writing to Ellen as soon as she could manage it , she could not help confessing :
20 Well ; that would be as soon as she could manage it .
21 As soon as she could find a convenient place to do so , she turned the car and headed back towards Hallborough .
22 And that was as soon as she could escape from this bloody prison .
23 Early that afternoon , as soon as she could get away from a lunch with colleagues from her department , Loretta set off for the Sunday Herald building .
24 She 'd been planning to have it repaired as soon as she could afford to , for , although she knew she could have claimed the cost through her insurance , she could n't afford to lose her no-claims bonus .
25 As quickly as she could go , Deborah stepped along it .
26 She could n't reach Kelpie from the nearest branch to him , but when she was as near as she could get she put out her hand and called softly to him , just as she used to do at home .
27 ‘ The trattoria sent it late , sir , ’ Wilson gasped , putting the tray down as carefully as she could manage , longing to escape from the room .
28 Tess explained , as clearly as she could remember , Angel 's beliefs .
29 She always called him ‘ Father ’ as far back as she could remember .
30 Her family did not much understand gardening either , and took little pleasure in the fruit of their unskilled , social labours ; as far back as she could remember , Clara could recollect her mother 's perpetual nagging at her father to cut the lawn , her father 's occasional outburst of resentment against the boys who trampled on the borders .
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