Example sentences of "[adv] as she could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Alyssia gazed at him for a fraction of a second , then she took his advice and walked back to the house , when what she wanted to do was run as far away as she could from it .
2 She panicked for a moment , and then seeing the beam on his face , smiled as calmly as she could in response .
3 For one awful moment , she thought she had persuaded her , then , with a cry of triumph , Rose hurled the ring as far as she could into the surrounding darkness .
4 She pulled over as far as she could into the bushes at the side of the lane and slowed down while the car , a beaten-up old Ford , passed .
5 She looked out to sea , as far as she could through the mist , and thought of great trees whispering under the waves .
6 She turned her face as far as she could towards Marie .
7 ‘ Well , ’ she told him , leaning over as far as she could towards him .
8 With an exclamation of disgust , she pushed herself to her knees and flung the offending branch as far as she could in temper at her own stupidity .
9 Alice fulfilled the orders , then sat down as far as she could from Alfred who had just arrived .
10 He might have the advantage of size and strength , but thanks to the martial arts classes she 'd taken as regularly as she could over the past few years , she had a few tricks of her own up her sleeve .
11 While the rider tried to hold on , to calm the horse and to prevent himself being thrown , Ruth ran as fast as she could towards the wood .
12 Instead she walked as fast as she could towards the river , past the mean little houses below the cathedral .
13 If he put down sheets of newspaper in the kitchen to keep the floor clean on wet days , one of his cats would back up to the far wall and then launch herself as fast as she could at the papers .
14 Constance came hurrying as fast as she could with her stick .
15 ‘ We looked round , and there was Anna , crawling as fast as she could to me .
16 ‘ But , Noreen — ’ But Noreen was already walking away as fast as she could in the direction of the apartment house .
17 Threading her way as diligently as she could through the mass of humanity , it was with a sigh of relief that she eventually found herself back in the vast City Hall square .
18 ‘ Those who can not hear must feel the rod of correction , ’ she declaimed , raising the stick as she advanced , Martha let out a shriek , leaped to her feet and , barely aware of her action , hit the old woman as hard as she could on the side of the head , knocking her against the wall .
19 She slammed it down as hard as she could on her opponent 's head .
20 As she reached her father 's house she walked straight in at the gate , which she hardly bothered to open quietly , and flung the stone as hard as she could at the glass of the bedroom window .
21 Guiltily she ran down the bouncing shallow steps , jarring them as hard as she could to off-balance the last man on his feet .
22 Can you wonder that Virginia , the Elf Second , used to put her head down , keep her eyes fixed straight in front of her , and pedal as hard as she could past Wardle Wood and the old woman who lived in the cottage in the middle of it .
23 She ran as hard as she could across the muddy field , across the rickety bridge , and finally collapsed beyond the line of oaks where the stream curved round to mark the boundary of the colonel 's property .
24 Drawing back her arm , she hit him as hard as she could across the face .
25 A hard light in her eyes , she drew back her arm and hit him as hard as she could across the face .
26 She fought as hard as she could against the iron grip , the bands of steel that were restricting her , trying to push her over like Mark .
27 " Please , Great-grandfather , do n't let my father be angry with me for what Kim did , " she prayed silently , closing her eyes as tightly as she could in an effort to add force to her thoughts .
28 Until then , she accepted it as graciously as she could for necessities only , much to her father 's irritation …
29 Bravely , she shut her mind as firmly as she could against the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows cast by great trees or trod across soggy glades that made her think with a shudder of hidden bogs .
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