Example sentences of "[adv] as i [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 But David had always worked by himself , so I had got used to the idea that I would never play with him , much as I wanted to .
2 So long as I stuck to squawks and Pretty fucking Polly , I was fine ?
3 I had sought to interest some of the more enterprising newspapers , especially as I hoped to be able , if possible , to push on to Abyssinia ; but , in the end , I went in independence , as I have undertaken most excursions , both terrestrial and mental .
4 Granpa clapped so loud as I returned to my place that some of the mums looked round and smiled , which made the old fellow even more determined to see that I stayed on at school until I was fourteen .
5 Just as I spoke to Moses .
6 As soon as I got to the other side of the bank I threw myself down and started to roll . ’
7 As soon as I got to the wire I spotted a gap and ran through it , only to see Private Prescott overtake me as he charged on towards the enemy lines .
8 And then , in the , I think it was the June , I came down to Colchester , and as soon as I got to Colchester the old adjutant nurse said oh you , going for a a B one qualification , and I had to go to Colchester to the Ordnance , it , it , it was an Ordnance workshops I suppose that was what it was .
9 Well I noticed it soon as I got to there .
10 Somebody said , well the Harbourmaster 's not coming , I said , right go back to work and that 's the time I , that 's the time when we had the first baby and erm , that 's the first one we lost and anyhow they put me off for a fortnight and erm I went down to , I say go up the Board of Guardians , that was like the D H S S but a little bit lower and I just start to buy this house soon as I said to this bloke , he live in the council house over here this bloke , what was interviewing me
11 I did lose weight but found that the weight returned as soon as I returned to my normal diet .
12 She looked so fresh and happy that I started grinning as soon as I waved to her , standing below me in the cockpit of the boat , where a servant from Faalifu was carrying some packages while Captain Baker looked down from the bridge .
13 My relief grew rapidly as I warmed to the theory .
14 The objectives give us a way of er measuring at the end of the course whether the course has achieved for you what you wanted from we 'll come back as I said to those this afternoon and and just review them to see that you got out of the course what you .
15 Erm well as I said to you today one of the things that you know
16 It 's now available for only seven shows out of twenty seven in the next programme and only on the first night of each show and only at a cost of two pounds and these are the audience of tomorrow as I wrote to you Mr you neglect these people at your peril why 've you changed the scheme ?
17 I had a lesson with him and he told me that if I squeezed my knees together I would slow down my bottom half and be able to release the club as hard as I wanted to .
18 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
19 We rolled heavily as I clung to the shrouds scanning the reef as best I could .
20 The barn shook again as I got to my feet and made my way to the door with the feeling that the barn had been very lucky so far in not receiving a direct hit from one of the frequent mortar bombs that were exploding in and around the farm .
21 The connection between girls suffering from eating disorders and violently hating their own bodies , and sexual violence in society , struck me more and more powerfully as I listened to girls talking about periods , body shape and size , and how they feel about their bodies .
22 Er if we 're doing the job properly as I said to you before we really need the invoices for various
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