Example sentences of "[adv] had [not/n't] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He obviously had n't been willing : maybe she 'd taken offence and attacked him .
2 She 'd already been there over two weeks , and still had n't been able to speak to the Dane .
3 IMP had paid her generously , and she 'd hoarded the little money she 'd made on her flat once it had been sold , but it still had n't been enough to buy her somewhere to live .
4 It probably had n't been all that good-looking in any case — it was said that Zlorf had chosen a profession in which dark hoods , cloaks and nocturnal prowlings figured largely because there was a day-fearing trollish streak in his parentage .
5 There probably had n't been much dust lying around in a palace .
6 Well had n't been any for ages .
7 But perhaps they simply had n't been able to check out all the prints they 'd found anyway .
8 Suddenly a man will see himself as a sexual failure rather than as someone who simply had not been able to achieve an erection on one single occasion .
9 Sharing a common cultural and spiritual heritage with a section of the older and more firmly entrenched Liberal Party , Labour simply had not been able to capture sufficient support from the working-class electorate .
10 When we had parked there had n't been another vehicle in sight .
11 After 2 weeks , she reported back there had n't been any improvement but it turned out that she had bought herself some Arg Nit tablets as she did n't like the taste of the alcoholic water the LM was made up in !
12 Even Tillett , regarded by many as the British equivalent of Larkin in language and syndicalist beliefs and whose attacks upon more conventional trade union officials twenty years earlier had not been unlike Larkin 's , saw the writing on the wall .
13 She certainly had not been able to learn to swim when the other children did ; in fact she had constantly been in trouble at school because she would invent any excuse to avoid even going near the swimming pool .
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