Example sentences of "[adv] had [to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 … they brought their homework in and made a list of … aspects like their use of materials , time , care , etc … so they knew what I was looking for , and then I spoke to each child individually and asked ‘ What would you give this piece out of ten ’ and so we obviously had to define our assessment objectives .
2 Alexei guessed that if Burun wished to discredit him with Artai he only had to link his name with any one of the intrigues which were a constant background to the life of the court .
3 She adored the game so much , Luke only had to shift his weight or touch her mouth to get her to do what he wanted , and she was so competitive she would bump anyone , at first even riding off ponies on her own side .
4 ‘ We agreed it would be simplest if you only had to say your party piece once — once more I mean ’ Agnes went on briskly .
5 You only had to press his head
6 Last year 's winner Jordan Knight of New Kids On The Block not only had to accept his slide from the peak of female adulation , but also had to present Mark Owen ( of Take That ) with this year 's trophy .
7 ‘ And I suppose you only had to flash your smile at the women in the village to have them all falling over themselves to tell you more . ’
8 He was now 15 miles from land , so had to fight his way back .
9 Try as Mrs Crump did — a sidle into the hallway , an uncharacteristic visit to the stables , even a late saunter down the road towards the village and the lake — she could not engineer an early encounter with the glamorous newcomer and so had to keep her patience until the morning .
10 ‘ No more games , ’ he said roughly , as he finally had to draw his mouth away to drag in a quick snatch of breath .
11 Hamilton 's death in 1895 brought the Headmaster a rise in Salary to 150 , as he no longer had to fund his predecessor 's pension .
12 Reliance on monetarism rather than incomes policy meant that the government no longer had to compromise its authority in making social contracts and wages policies with producer groups , particularly the unions .
13 Anything was possible , we no longer had to hide our shadow sides ; we knew that we had , in each other , a positive regard , a nurturing gaze and total acceptance .
14 But on looking into Ven 's no-nonsense dark eyes , she just had to answer his question truthfully .
15 Apparently not bleeding to death , or considered worthy of priority , I just had to wait my turn .
16 This was only natural , so I just had to grab her leash as she flew by and carry her back on my glove .
17 You still had to ask your Dad for a top off the egg if you were if you were a poor family .
18 Editors still had to submit their material for inspection ( after it had been printed , but before it was distributed ) ; they could be penalized both by indictment in the courts and by direct action on the part of the Minister of Internal Affairs ; and they had to lodge monetary bonds with the authorities to facilitate the payment of fines if the government moved against them .
19 Operators and management still had to use their understanding of the process to control it .
20 There was a clearly defined path , but she still had to pick her way with care .
21 I would get home at about 7.30 in the evening and I still had to do my homework .
22 Although his prime responsibility was transport , whether by air , road or sea , he still had to play his part as a full member of the team when it came to surveillance and attack .
23 My picture was also there but I still had to present my ID before I was allowed to play a note of Mozart or whatever .
24 In private Michael still had to keep his end up against attacks , that to be religious was to be a fool , though less frequently now because Frank travelled abroad and was away much of the time .
25 We still had to keep our life jackets at the foot of our bunks in case of raids .
26 I told him you always had to declare your cheese at customs .
27 He always had to make his appearance felt immediately by creating a lot of noise and clatter .
28 Producer Peter Waterman once had to rescue his starlet from a gang of teenagers when they began spitting at her in a nightclub .
29 He later had to have his gall bladder removed .
30 He also had to time his swim carefully to avoid the famous Severn bore , spending an hour and a half in a pub along the way while it passed .
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