Example sentences of "[adv] they would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The major opposition to the poll tax came to the fore only when people realised how much they would have to pay .
2 At the same time the British leaders , although they soon realized just how much they would have to concede in order to regain American confidence and backing , were largely unshaken in their belief that in Middle Eastern affairs they were the true experts compared with the Americans .
3 But once it was understood that Europeans might hope to reach the fabled East by travelling West , then explorers could reasonably hope that before very long they would have mapped the whole surface of the globe .
4 Already he was beginning to steal glances at the clock , comparing it needlessly with his own watch , missing bits of the film while he made rapid calculations as to whether he might conceivably be able to see Bridget home , and , when this had become out of the question , as to how long they would have to say good night at the hated corner .
5 If England had held any one of the three catches they put down they would have won , since the three top-scoring West Indies batsmen all had a ‘ life ’ .
6 Oh , perhaps they would have done , if it had n't been for the local newspaper .
7 So perhaps they would have made the same mistakes as well. , He believes his most serious mistake was wanting to get things done in a hurry .
8 Perhaps they would have gone to court about it , but that does n't mean that either of them … ’
9 In others , they have done it because they have felt they have had to : perhaps they would have failed to attract and keep labour if the jobs had been too fragmented .
10 It might well be that some of them had work as servants , or in agriculture — but there would be strong competition for the latter , for quite apart from the regular farm labourers there were a considerable number of workmen not as fully employed at the mine as perhaps they would have wished .
11 Only they would have possessed the necessary authority and material wealth at the time to take prime land — the site of a major trading warehouse — and transform it into a dog cemetery .
12 Going back to the agents up in the town , the boatmen to get information about a ship coming in they would have to go up to the town
13 I mean you like the ordinary houses are , there 's no room and you could not bend the coffin with a person in it so they would have to take the window or the bedroom or wherever the corpse was
14 With that spirit and her inventive brain , she should have been a boy , and together they would have run the world .
15 Normally they would have waited until such time as the national ballot had been held and then they would have taken the appropriate action afterwards .
16 Admittedly they would have heard complaints against themselves as appeasers and compromisers , especially from the American hardliners .
17 If not they would have to stay on another night .
18 It was not the quantity of stars that was so impressive , though if there had been more they would have blended into a whitewash , nor was it their brilliance , though they were a dazzling variation of colour and size , but that they seemed alive .
19 That is to say , they were more formal , more polite , and rather more distant than usual , asking permission to do things that usually they would have done without question .
20 I bought these Levi 501 's for £25 back home they would have cost me double that . ’
21 Probably they would have lost all the same , but another bowler might have made it much closer .
22 Probably they would have had no application to W. , but even where they are applicable it may be in the long-term interests of the minor that if the same treatment can be secured upon some other basis , this shall be done .
23 You 'd thought by now they would have sorted it out .
24 Presumably they would have preferred the British people to be kept in the dark about the state of the royal marriage as they were about Edward 's love for Mrs Simpson .
25 Yes , I agree , ‘ if you mentioned clubs to most indie bands 18 months ago they would have spat in your face ’ , but only because the elitists controlled it .
26 Fifty years ago they would have said this trip was impossible ; crouching on beaches , men in their teens and early twenties had believed they would never see another dawn .
27 A year ago they would have replied in kind ; now from a hundred throats came the new cry : ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ with if anything even greater fervour .
28 Three years ago they would have hesitated before speaking against the Seven ; now — however covertly — they sanctioned armed rebellion .
29 but years ago they would have put up with , and said nothing .
30 Ten years ago they would have sold twice as many at the very least .
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