Example sentences of "[adv] they [modal v] [verb] have " in BNC.

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1 Normally they 'd pay to have the contents safely removed .
2 ‘ After what happened tonight they might have had enough . ’
3 It was one of those brilliantly simple ideas people always wish they had had themselves , and believe that somehow they could have had ; no need to incur any extra expense or make any more sizes than anybody else , or necessarily to distinguish one 's product in other way , yet just by the idea one has a potential market of half the jeans-buying public , or at least that proportion of it which has always felt that they are somehow perpetually between the usual sizes .
4 Now a sprinter beforehand will actually be on the blocks and will take in a lot of oxygen to try and saturate as much oxygen into their blood as possible , so that when that gun goes off they will aim to have all of their red cells where possible carrying oxygen .
5 Probably they would have had no application to W. , but even where they are applicable it may be in the long-term interests of the minor that if the same treatment can be secured upon some other basis , this shall be done .
6 Because if they went back they 'd have to have the electric chair and they do n't want the electric chair or the , cos that 's what they think cos they 've done so much .
7 The difference in the popular vote was less dramatic : for the CPP , 398 141 ( plus five uncontested seats , where presumably they could have had a landslide ) ; for the combined opposition , 299 116 votes .
8 Well they must have had a lot of bottle .
9 No we have n't they 'll have to have yellow noses then
10 The remains of houses and possessions give an idea of people 's lifestyle , while the remains of their tools can show what work they did , and to some extent how hard they would have had to work to do a particular job .
11 Maybe they should have had foresight and er this would n't have happened at Bilsthorpe .
12 If he brought her any more , then they would have to have a little talk .
13 If I 'd told them a tale like that then they would have had me down at the station before I could blink ! ’
14 But those involved in entente floral feel at least they would have had a fighting chance of clinching the title .
15 They should have erm right up the top up there they should have had that for an exam room .
16 A surprising number of inexperienced pilots have n't really thought about how they would tackle having to land in a field .
17 Some books are encountered too late , after the period when they would have had maximum impact .
18 The show is held in the Roman Catholic Junior School on the first Tuesday in August , a fixed date having been chosen so everyone always knows when they should aim to have their berries ready .
19 It is thought that the panda once roamed over much of China but due to human development the areas where they can exist have been greatly reduced .
20 who have , well in fact , I must ask you this would you , would you like to have a gun ? , button one for yes , button two for no , I 'll tell you my own view on this after you 've voted and nine of you say yes you would , what , what , would any body liked to say why they 'd like to have a gun ? , yes
21 Cocker 's scepticism was not typical of the sentiments expressed on that day : Ald. McNaughtan , the Tramway Committee Chairman , in laying the first rail said that Blackpool 's delay in constructing a tramway was fortuitous , otherwise they would have had horses or steam , ‘ instead of nature 's more wonderful , immense and mysterious agency — electricity ’ .
22 Otherwise they 'd have had had
23 Certainly they would have had much to talk about , recalling voyages up the New England coast ; how they had dared storms together and mixed with tough Maine characters at the Jonesport summer ball , or how one of Peters 's cruises had been christened after the four B's which constituted their provisions : beans , bacon , bread , and bananas .
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