Example sentences of "[adv] so [adj] that he " in BNC.

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1 This occurs when a politician , perhaps so senior that he is notionally responsible for the agency itself , makes it known that he would be very pleased if some particularly sensitive and hazardous intelligence coup could be attained , usually in order to enhance domestic political popularity .
2 I 'm I 'm not so sure that he knew he was known as the last resort .
3 Although Crawford was one of the few Test cricketers to play in spectacles it would seem that his eyesight was not so poor that he could not be used by the military .
4 And that piece of undeniable truth was , perhaps , a mistake , too , for Dr Neil was not so drunk that he did not ask , without a pause , ‘ And what happened to them , McAllister , when you lost your parents and your fortune ? ’
5 Then there are the film adaptations since 1950 , almost all of them missed opportunities , and the fluctuating fortunes of the plays in the theatre , of which Holroyd provides a compact summary — though not so compact that he does not find room for such items as a musical version of Antony and Cleopatra called Her First Roman , which opened ( and closed ) in Boston in the late Sixties .
6 Nevertheless , he is not so short-sighted that he can not catch a butterfly between his fingers .
7 The district had changed since he last lived here , but he was not so old that he resented it .
8 He was soon so unwell that he groaned with distress .
9 But he was still so close that he could smell the perfume of patchouli on the corpse 's moustache .
10 Obviously , she thought sourly , checking to make sure that no hanky-panky was going on under the table between Piers and her , or else he was still so infatuated that he could n't bear not to look at her for too long .
11 Prior Robert was still so blind that he almost stumbled on the steps , but recovered himself with aristocratic dignity and by the time he reached the tiles of the floor was his complacent official self again .
12 He was once so alone that he needed to do something extraordinary in order to bring attention to himself .
13 Was his vanity really so overpowering that he actually believed she gave a damn about him anyway ?
14 He was reluctant , because he believed that he personally had ejected the Shah and that his standing was now so great that he could face down Khomeini alone .
15 Five doctors said that his condition was now so serious that he would not last the night : he was rushed to hospital , paralysed on his left side and in a deep coma .
16 In a cumbersome way it seems to have done this fairly effectively , for it was difficult for an official to embezzle royal money without being exposed in the long run , although the run was often so long that he was dead before it finished .
17 Sometimes I found the odd social worker somewhat racist or maybe so ignorant that he appeared racist .
18 And he is not yet so low that he can not bring down many a better man .
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