Example sentences of "[adv] as [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Sir Richard Arkwright and Company mill at Cromford , a familiar sight to travellers along the main Derby-Buxton-Manchester road , only ceased spinning in November 1991 — latterly as part of the Coates Viyella group .
2 Not only were various articles stolen , but a clay statue was smashed , presumably as part of a search for valuables .
3 The foundations of modern archaeology were laid down in the 17th century , and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries emphasis was put on the recording of archaeological monuments , initially as part of general topographical works , but eventually as part of a study of the monuments themselves .
4 Only with the passage of time did the two channels come to be seen widely as part of a single public service system .
5 Former Civic Forum chairman and federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus was elected overwhelmingly as chairman of the new party .
6 Depressed moods are the most difficult moods for dieting , and such is the mood-lifting effect of exercise that it is even being used medically as part of the treatment for depression .
7 ‘ All right , my dear , ’ he murmured , ‘ we 'll have you right as rain in a moment .
8 Only then will the necessary biocides and corrosion inhibitors be able to work effectively as part of a continuous water treatment programme , which is supplied and monitored by Rentokil 's service .
9 A study was undertaken by one of the authors in 1977 to investigate how trade exhibitions could be used more effectively as part of a communications programme , and the summary of the results of this study forms the remainder of this section ( Lancaster and Baron , 1977 ) .
10 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
11 One is simply placing a microphone in the corner of a bar and hoping that people will listen , and another is putting comedians on as part of a disco .
12 Work in this area might usefully go on as part of a larger , more focused programme .
13 The Civil Aviation Committee met the next day and challenged two parts of the draft agreement that the Americans had inserted : the right of civil aircraft to use the US-leased bases in the Caribbean and Atlantic , and the right of US airlines to ‘ change gauge ’ in Britain , that is , switch to smaller aircraft for flights going on as part of the fifth freedom .
14 Work going on as part of the resource management initiative is designed to overcome this problem , and eventually it will produce the information that is lacking .
15 and then they 'll just pick one out of that to go on as part of the calendar .
16 Summerill is staying on as chairman for the time being .
17 Detlev Rohwedder created the vacancy when he stayed on as head of the Treuhandanstalt , the state agency dealing with the privatisation of east German businesses .
18 Samuel strongly advised that MacDonald should be persuaded to stay on as head of the existing government or some " reconstituted " Labour Cabinet or , failing these alternatives , of a National government made up of members of the three parties ; the necessary but unpalatable economies affecting the working class could best be imposed by a Labour government .
19 Dr Cunningham said : ‘ The important thing is for Neil to stay on as leader of the party and build on the gains we have made in this election . ’
20 The dispute marked the latest stage in the political turmoil which had begun on Oct. 9 with Mamaloni 's resignation on as leader of the People 's Alliance Party ( PAP ) , shortly before he was due to face a challenge to his leadership at the ruling party 's annual convention .
21 Currently , the TUC 's regional education programme is shifting steadily in favour of courses even shorter than the ten-day representatives ' courses , not organised coherently as part of a process of recurrent union education but arranged on a more or less ad hoc basis around single issues .
22 Science and technology thus ceases to be seen as autonomous but rather as part of an interesting system in which the internalised ideological assumptions help to determine the actual experimental designs and theories of the scientists and technologists themselves .
23 While the Action Teams have a major role to play in implementing local initiatives , they are not working on their own , but rather as part of the overall Making Belfast Work strategy .
24 I would have thought it would have been better in the introduction rather as part of the minutes , would you not have thought so ?
25 You will need to write down certain things like a list of goals for food change and exercise , interesting recipes , a list of rewards ( perhaps as part of a contingency contract ) , and your daily weight .
26 There are also more specialised information sources you might need to use : if you want to know about the readership of a particular contemporary magazine or newspaper , for example ( perhaps as part of a study of the relation between ideology and audience ) you could use BRAD ( " British Rate and Data " ) , which lists advertising rates and audited newspaper and magazine circulations .
27 The common types of consideration paid for the acquisition of Target will be cash , debentures in Newco , shares in Newco , or the right to future shares or debentures in Newco ( perhaps as part of an " earn-out " arrangement or deferred consideration ) .
28 Despite general neglect of the country 's heritage , restoration is a popular topic for debate , perhaps as compensation for the lack of action .
29 Kathleen Kenyon , the excavator , recognized two deposits , but since there were coins of the House of Theodosius in each , it can be assumed that they accumulated over a fairly short period , perhaps as rubbish from the nearby forum .
30 Other sources of information include the written company review and accounts , which is usually published annually as part of the statement to the shareholders or governors , and recruitment brochures .
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