Example sentences of "[adv] if he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if he listened for a bit and then jeered , he would at least be able to jeer from a better-informed position .
2 The accused , therefore , is guilty of blackmail against a timorous person , when a reasonable person would not have been frightened , only if he knew of the timidity .
3 Only if he succeeded after 14 December 685 would he not have completed twenty years by 14 December 705 .
4 They had offered him the position of editor in chief with , apparently , more direct control over the content of the paper , but only if he came off the Board .
5 The poor astronaut who falls into a black hole will still come to a sticky end ; only if he lived in imaginary time would he encounter no singularities .
6 The criminal law , however , did recognise that an accused could be guilty only if he acted in a grossly negligent fashion .
7 I interpret this as meaning that Rey indicated any new tempo carefully enough if he needed to , but did not always beat throughout a given section .
8 By protecting the producers and merchants and by imposing tolls and customs dues he could profit from it doubly so if he ruled over the English and Norman ports into which the wine was imported .
9 For the best midfielder in the country I 'd be looking closer to 5–6 mil especially if he went to Rangers or abroad — but personally I would n't sell him , so going on past experience that means Wilko will get rid of him before the end of the season .
10 There would be ructions , especially if he went into coalition with the Tories .
11 The butler was arguing with a tall fair man , threatening to send for the footmen to turn him away physically if he persisted in demanding to see the person who was refusing access to everyone , and particularly to anyone answering to the name of Cochrane .
12 ‘ He should carry on if he wants to and I for one will go on using him — he 's the best ! ’
13 Make sure that , sure they 're good quality photographs , normally black and white , sharp , appropriate and so forth , and make sure that you 've got sufficient details associated with it , often a good way of doing it is by having a , something typed on a slip of paper which is just very slightly stuck to the , to the back so the editor can actually see what the thing is and can take it off if he needs to when the picture is actually being reproduced .
14 In the course of it Edward Lucas , a BBC Prague correspondent , asked Havel directly if he wanted to be president .
15 Night after night she 'd nag , and in the morning would peck his cheek affectionately if he walked by the cooker where she was frying up his bacon and eggs for breakfast .
16 He can go up if he wanted to could n't he ?
17 ‘ I would n't have Finn back if he walked on his head from Mycenae to here . ’
18 ‘ We 've now got more coaches at the club than National Express , but he can come back if he wants to .
19 Mrs Singh expressed a worry about Balbinder refusing to dress himself and ordering her to get him ready for school when he could do this perfectly well if he wanted to .
20 ‘ She is totally pure ! ’ he replied , and felt that he had to tell that lie , even if he went to hell there and then for it .
21 The Doctor let out a long slow breath , and considered his options , since even if he succeeded in stopping Mait , there was always the risk of someone else finding this place the next time the stars were in the correct alignment .
22 Toby was a well-known golf writer , even if he wrote for a newspaper that was rarely , if ever , seen in the boardrooms of Britain .
23 Therefore it is possible for a candidate to win the key to the White House even if he loses in most of the states .
24 Even if he lived to be ten .
25 He does n't smoke or drink , and even if he wanted to , two heart attacks and a by-pass operation have made the decision for him .
26 She professed love for Gentle at intervals , but not with sufficient consistency to make him think he could prise her from her husband , even if he wanted to , which he was by no means certain he did .
27 The fuse would destroy itself , the gunpowder explode , poor Cosmas 's legs would be shattered , and even if he wanted to , the fire spread so quickly as to prevent his escape .
28 Even if he knows of the flaws Tzeentch cast into their making — which he almost certainly does — Drachenfels will still want the four Crystals of Power .
29 Even if he dies within seven years no inheritance tax is payable provided the son broadly continues to use the property for agricultural purposes .
30 Even if he aims for a gross profit 5–10% less than a competitor , Mendoros believes , overheads are such that he should come out better at the net level .
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