Example sentences of "[adv] if [pers pn] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Public transport , in contrast , is something that most people use only if they have to , with notable exceptions in the cases of some European cities .
2 A pause , then very gently , ‘ Only if Ah have to . ’
3 Only if I have to , ’ came the reply .
4 Something similar has started appearing on British television , so if they have to be shown surely the details could be kept to a minimum and shown for the shortest possible time .
5 So if you 've to be half past nine there , what time do you need up at ?
6 So if you had like metres on one side and centimetres on the other
7 The only way to tell is to ask your dealer , so please ensure that you are dealing with one that you can trust , especially if you have to specifically order them .
8 The bodice is quite small , but it 's actually not as , you read about eighteen inch waists , I mean this is nowhere near an eighteen inch waist , and although she would have worn corsets , she obviously did n't wear , you can see there , so much corseting that she could n't move , and that she could n't bend down if she had to .
9 Anything 'll cut down if it has to .
10 ‘ I 'll go alone if I have to , ’ Riven snapped with sudden irritation .
11 Then , when word got out that Hurley again had a drawerful of money to pay for information , everybody in Beirut would try to get in on the act , making things up if they had to .
12 This man was a Southerner , in his heart , a Southern boy whom she could give up if she had to , whom she could forget .
13 music as well though if you had to ?
14 What , no I do n't think so , the E E C should of be , should of said well if it has to be moved if it 's
15 There are obviously improvements to be made ; more science should be taught , and there is a great need for more specialists in the class-room , even if they have to be peripatetic teachers , shared between a number of schools .
16 perhaps this is one reason why , despite the Eurocentrism of his intended historical schema , Sartre himself could certainly not be accused of ethnocentrism in his politics ; already the first Critique contains substantial analyses of the political and psychological structures of colonialism and racism , even if they have to be , as always , ‘ dissolved in History ’ ( I , 716 ) .
17 If they are qualifying corporate bonds , the gain that would have arisen had the Target shares been disposed of is calculated , then suspended , and falls into charge on a subsequent disposal of the bonds even if they have by then become valueless ( see s116 TCGA 1992 ) .
18 credit card or trading check which can be used only in specific shops ) ; or it is unrestricted , where the borrower gets a loan of money which he could in practice use for whatever he wants ( even if he has in fact arranged to use it for some particular purpose ) .
19 Even if you had to after Christmas take it back they wo n't know .
20 And now , my dear Sir , having said this much on behalf of this deserving Youth , I must beg to assure you that however zealous my wish to be the means of serving him and his poor Mother , I do not wish , on that account , to influence you — Quite the contrary — I know that in similar cases , your benevolent views have been disappointed , and , perhaps , you have consequently made arrangements for the Future which may render it ineligible to take any youth in the same way as proposed to his Brother — even if you have at present — or are likely in course of a year or two — to have a vacancy .
21 Be There — even if you have to hock your last Hermes scarf to raise the fare .
22 Nobody could have been better qualified to construct a consensus , even if it had to be temporary , from the new and angular alternatives that were now being proposed for the future of secondary schooling .
23 And , even if it had to be done by a department , could it be done with fewer people in a different and more managerially efficient way ?
24 One is to telephone , or write to her beforehand , saying that things have been so hectic at your end recently that it seemed at one point that you might have to postpone your visit for a week or two , but that you are so keen to see her that you are absolutely determined to ‘ make it ’ somehow , even if it has to be just a ‘ flying visit ’ .
25 Both from the professional integrity point of view and to avoid legal repercussions , specialist input should be obtained where necessary , even if it has to be ‘ brought in ’ .
26 It will be important to formulate an initial strategy for the bid even if it has to be modified subsequently as a result of changing circumstances .
27 But it does provoke rebellious , aggressive behaviour in a minority of children , particularly if they have to be taken by force to a quiet room , or the door has to be held to keep them there .
28 ‘ Well , of course we could n't if we had to , but my godmother really is a fairy godmother .
29 ‘ I can ride hard if I have to , ’ protested Isabel .
30 I was going to make you prefer me to London and Paris … and I was going to get a fellowship overseas if I had to , to keep you . ’
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