Example sentences of "[adv] has [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the dream that we all had about Great Britain acknowledging it 's theatre and funding it properly has suffered a lot of setbacks since the ‘ sixties ’ .
2 Over the years , Carry On has become a cult .
3 Still , no-one I spoke to in any organisation could name any cases where environmental opposition alone has stopped a course being built .
4 Environmental Issues , which spotlights this and other surveys on page 11 , is well aware of young people 's interest in green matters and so has introduced a section specifically for them .
5 But the last week or so has provided a couple of classics , little exchanges that appear to have nothing to do with policy and everything to do with ego , bitterness and vendetta .
6 King Hussein of Jordan no less has beaten a path to Costa Teguise , selecting Lanzarote , a land of unusual beauty , for his get-away-from-it-all home .
7 However , the SFO 's handling of its investigations has hardly been consistent and it already has set a precedent for the Barrowclough report to be published in full .
8 And what the manifesto is , is trying to do is to er set an agenda for about how the lot of private homes can be improved , and er fixing rent is one thing which the government er traditionally has had a responsibility for and which needs , er must be linked in with conditions because what we have at the moment is a situation where you get , in Oxford , a er a family living in one room being charged er over two hundred pounds a week by an individual landlord , and that 's clearly unacceptable .
9 But the problem with these groups is not that they 're wimps , but that they 're runts ; not that they 're vulnerable or soppy , but that they 're flimsy , What 's happened is that the perfectly valiant and appropriate refusal to grow up has become a refusal to grow , musically — to take on space , drift , experiment .
10 ‘ Sport was the love of my life and having to give it up has left a void , ’ said Rosemary .
11 This volume also has appended a poem ‘ On the Ruins of St. Austin 's , Canterbury ’ , which was published in the Kentish Gazette of 9 July 1774 and said to have been written sometime after Dixon was seventy-three years old .
12 One primary school head teacher in whose school pilot testing of pupils was carried out has expressed a willingness to ‘ break the law unless the tests are drastically changed ’ and another school 's head ( probably illegally ) later suspended the tests in the face of parents ' objections .
13 In a rather different way , the estimation of the annual output of the Roman mint between about 150 and 50BC has enabled a picture to be constructed of the growth and then contraction of the liquidity of silver coinage during that period ( fig. 24 ) .
14 Er but obviously you know , the the the courage and the the strength of the the people who did keep it going , erm really has achieved a lot .
15 The next problem comes when we recognize that the work done so far has produced a piece of research which could easily keep a dozen people occupied for the rest of their lives .
16 It seems everyone is intrigued by Morse , whose past until now has remained a secret .
17 now has got a cost more in the initial
18 no one until now has produced a biography of Graham Gooch .
19 Initially Kidd had intended returning Down Under , but an attractive offer from Division Two side Sundays Well has prompted a change of heart .
20 Wilko seemingly has made a bid of ( I think the figure was ) 90,000 .
21 A woman who learnt to dive just three years ago has found a Viking relic which is more than a thousand years old .
22 TELEVISION footage of a youth soccer match at Wembley 18 years ago has prompted a search by a former Merseyside non-league player for a permanent record of the game .
23 To help you spend all those Christmas gift vouchers , TODAY has compiled a list of some of the most entertaining books to suit everyone 's taste .
24 A half-timbered house here has become a library .
25 And you want me to tell the warren that young — er — young — er — your brother here has got a hunch and we must all go trapesing across country to goodness knows where and risk the consequences , eh ?
26 Scotland manager , Duncan Paterson , noted that the weather the tourists have experienced here has changed a number of perceptions of Fijian rugby .
27 But I think trick or treat itself , maybe has got a bit perhaps distorted from what one might imagine the American idea originally was .
28 The next mill downstream has had a variety of names over the years : Russell Mill , Lowes Mill and more recently , Malvern Mill .
29 After a few hundred yards it crosses a road and indeed has become a road , which we followed for two miles .
30 It grew to its current size by selling mainframes in the 1960s and 1970s but since then has seen a decline in this business .
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