Example sentences of "[adv] been seen [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The job analysis is a voluntary activity at these schools and has not been seen as another way of pulling the teacher 's leash .
2 Back came all the romance of train travel that had not been seen for fifty years .
3 The 70-year-old has not been seen for four weeks since leaving the Robert Huggins home for the elderly in Acklam .
4 Gateways were opening up here in Salt Lake , and things would be coming through the like of which had not been seen for thousands of years .
5 The wide-field/planetary camera has produced its share of dramatic pictures , including detailed ones of a storm on Saturn the like of which has not been seen for 60 years .
6 Sergeant Raymond Mitchell , of Cape Town police , told TODAY : ‘ Sharon had not been seen for 24 hours , and in the current climate in the country , we were anxious for her welfare .
7 Sergeant Raymond Mitchell , of Cape Town police , told TODAY : ‘ Sharon had not been seen for 24 hours , and in the current climate in the country , we were anxious for her welfare .
8 And he had not been seen for some days .
9 Although it has not been seen for some time , the manuscript may contain a specimen of Mary Leapor 's handwriting .
10 The effect of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and the Economic Recovery Tax Act was to move the United States in new directions in economic policy ; fundamental change of a sort that had not been seen for half a century .
11 The condition , which is relatively common in continental Europe , has not been seen on this scale in the UK since the 1920s .
12 He had not been seen at all at his office .
13 Thomas Hargreaves , 39 , whose parents live at Llangoed , has not been seen since last Thursday , when he set off on a hike through a forest towards a glacier , close to south east Alaskan town of Juneau .
14 ‘ Monsieur Gebrec has not been seen since nine-thirty this morning , ’ said Melissa .
15 The historical ruler , who might or might not have made disastrous political mistakes , gave way to the woman who might or might not have written the Casket Letters ; and scholars plunged into the absorbing task of deciding whether letters whose originals had not been seen since 1584 , and whose texts had been translated from French into Scots and then back into French , were forgeries or not .
16 Thus a correlation between faecal fat and faecal bile acid excretion has not been seen in all studies .
17 Evidence for tissue specific , copy-dependent , position-independent expression has been shown mainly in cross-species transgenics ; such as , human β-globin ( 14,15,48 ) , CD2 ( 49 ) , α-globin ( 50 ) , and class I HLA-B7 ( 51,52 ) genes as well as for chicken lysozyme ( 53 ) , although absolute correlation between expression , tissue distribution and copy number has not been seen in all cases .
18 This was a significant discovery in that fusion had not been seen in toroidal discharges before .
19 It is something which seems such an ordinary thing to do , and yet the effect of it is something which has not been seen in pictorial art since Giotto .
20 When biologists studying these birds added extra shade to some territories , the birds exhibited something that had not been seen in this species before ; trigamy , males with three mates .
21 The paintings of the Thirties and Forties have not been seen in any sort of proper way and they are quite extraordinary , particularly that last group of interiors which Matisse painted between 1946 and 1948 .
22 He had not been seen in public since 29 December , an indication that he was in trouble .
23 The meeting was cancelled and Mr Li has not been seen in public since .
24 The John Gosden-trained three-year-old has not been seen in public so far this term , but has certainly been sparkling on the Newmarket gallops in preparation for his reappearance .
25 Chatam had not been seen in public since finishing fourth to Sibton Abbey in the Hennessy at Newbury in November , and Pipe said yesterday : ‘ It was a fine run considering he had been off the course for so long and he goes for the Gold Cup with every chance .
26 Undamped relaxation oscillations had already been seen in such lasers , and at the time of writing there is the exciting prospect that the Lorenz system of equations may soon develop an experimental significance in laser physics to match their theoretical impact .
27 Judging by the visitors ' book , it has already been seen by several thousand members of the public and potential clients — including visitors from most European Countries and from as far away as Brazil , Alaska and South Korea .
28 Freight and parcels had always been seen as distinct entities , and these naturally formed two of the new sectors .
29 A titled but non-executive chairman has always been seen by some as a desirable ornament on the company 's board , and even more so on its stationery .
30 Predominantly a coastal bird , where it can usually been seen in large flocks from now until spring , in recent years it has spread inland to breed .
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