Example sentences of "[adv] been the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , admission to a psychiatric unit has presumably been the result of distress which in many cases will persist after admission .
2 However , the inequalities in higher education have rarely been the subject of close and critical attention ; far from arguing that higher education serves to reproduce inequalities , commentators ( e.g. Wolpe 1977 ) have argued merely that higher education functions to train middle-class students to take up positions of status and responsibility in society , such as civil servants , managers , teachers and doctors .
3 Although it has rarely been the subject of judicial pronouncement the conceptual basis of the " conventional " sums awarded by the courts in respect of non-pecuniary losses appears to be that such sums are what are considered fair and reasonable compensation in the social , economic and industrial conditions which prevail in England and Wales .
4 Furthermore , industrialization has rarely been the panacea for rural development that had been hoped .
5 Such an interpretation is not inconsistent with Katib Celebi 's brief account , particularly if it is remembered that by his time the Seyhulislam had long since been the Mufti of Istanbul and that he may therefore have concerned himself with trying to sketch the history of the office only in so far as it related to that city .
6 an education of this kind is the greatest benefit which could be conferred upon any citizen of a great state , and … the common right to it , the common discipline and enjoyment of it , the common possession of the tastes and association connected with it , would form a new element of national unity , linking together the mental life of all classes by experiences which have hitherto been the privilege of a limited section .
7 Character dance like demi-caractère dance had its beginnings in La Fille Mal Gardée when farmers and peasants were first allowed to set foot on the Royal and Imperial stages , which had hitherto been the home of gods and goddesses or noble and well-born heroes and heroines .
8 But the meeting understood that " It has hitherto been the policy of this HQ and remains ( it is understood ) the advice of the British Resident Minister and the US Political Adviser that all classes and types of dissident and anti-Tito Jugoslavs who fall into the hands of Allied Forces either in Italy or in Austria should not be forced to return to Jugoslavia … "
9 This however has only been the position since 1968 .
10 Curtis recalled that it had only been the resourcefulness of the two kids and the fortunate intervention of the trucker Jube , that had saved his friend that night .
11 The socially constructed relationship between age , gender and the labour market has not only been the cause of poverty in old age , but has also formed the basis for the spread of a more general dependency among older people and age discrimination in many aspects of public policy and social attitudes ( Walker , 1990 ) .
12 She had finally walked out on him and it had only been the intervention of Philpott that had brought them back together again .
13 And it had only been the rear of the house that had been knocked down .
14 Problems of cross-cultural translation have long been the terrain of anthropology .
15 In both French and British space programmes , keeping up with — or at least not falling further behind — the USA and USSR space efforts has long been the name of the game .
16 ‘ Whether the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the Stanze of Raphael should be regarded as the culminating effort of modern art , has long been the subject of controversy ’ ; but they both received double asterisks .
17 Although Burn had never been very active in the affairs of the Institute , his career had long been the subject of interest and indeed curiosity .
18 Gardiner traces the passions , torments and tragedy ( the death of two of their children ) of their shared life , and sheds light on episodes which have long been the subject of rumour and anecdote .
19 The coco-de-mer grows only on Praslin and its neighbour Curieuse and has long been the subject of legends and superstitions .
20 The automatic recognition of human speech has long been the subject of science-fiction fantasy and ( more recently ) the subject of extensive scientific investigation .
21 The special salience of a radical French petite bourgeoisie has long been the subject of commentary for historians and political scientists .
22 The lighting in the station approach has long been the subject of complain and the Association is actively pursuing the matter with BR .
23 Drafix CAD is an MS-DOS based CAD drawing package that has long been the choice of users who have been unwilling to pay the price demanded for the industry standard — AutoCad .
24 Of course , the UK has long been the home of large companies exploiting ‘ primary products ’ ( plantation crops , furs , timber and minerals ) in different parts of the Commonwealth and the world .
25 The Faculty is one of the oldest in the University and has long been the home of many outstanding legal scholars and practitioners .
26 This recognition of the " blurred roles " of teachers and librarians , and of the importance of providing opportunities for those who wish to gain an understanding of and professional accreditation in both professions , has long been the case at school level in the USA , where school librarians are generally required to have a proportion of undergraduate and graduate credits in both disciplines ( the regulations vary from state to state ) , and the education system has long been flexible enough to meet the need without the provision of special courses ( though this has its disadvantage in that some students may therefore miss the opportunity to make direct cross-disciplinary comparisons under academic supervision ) .
27 Or might the turmoil of schemes and unemployment be preparing youth more thoroughly ( as has long been the case in the USA ) for better adaptation to eventual permanent employment ?
28 It involves the use of DMSO ( dimethyl sulphoxide ) , which has long been the centre of controversy .
29 CITY UNDER SIEGE London has long been the centre of European finance , but the slide in business now could just be the start of a lasting loss of market share .
30 " The custom of disguising reality so that it appeared to be perfect " had long been the tactic of the Franco regime .
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