Example sentences of "[adv] been [vb pp] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That might well have been true in the early 1960s but not in the 1990s , so let us not revive a distinction which has thankfully been eliminated All kinds of research in education have gone far beyond this narrow form .
2 Earth tremors caused structural damage in Angra village in 1988 but the nuclear plant 's operators , state-owned Furnas Centrais Electricas , denied that the reactor had been damaged , although it has since been closed several times for " repairs " .
3 The fishermen were so concerned for its welfare that they closed the lake for the remainder of the season , and the fish has since been spotted several times , fully recovered .
4 What has perhaps been accorded less attention has been the ways in which policy and implementation have involved a feedback from implementation as policies have been found inadequate to meet the demands of ‘ good professional practice ’ .
5 But the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent development of Soviet society produced an emphasis upon another strand in Marxist thought about the transition to socialism ( one which had not hitherto been given much prominence ) involving the idea of the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ; and in the specific conditions prevailing in Russia , which differed entirely from those in Western Europe , this soon evolved in practice into the dictatorship of the Bolshevik party , then the dictatorship of the party 's central committee , and finally the dictatorship of a single individual .
6 His wish had been granted , but he had only been given more time to experience cruel and unabated pain .
7 The list had obviously been printed some time before .
8 Since subscriptions for membership have not been increased this year , one way in which everyone could help would be to add a donation — no matter how small — when sending in their subscription fee .
9 I was not given the run of the pavillon and I took it that , since I had not been extended this facility , I was not welcome to it .
10 We 're simply saying that it 's not been demonstrated that regeneration of West Yorkshire 's been taken into account .
11 ‘ Over the past hundred years there has never been a real commitment to the formation of a contemporary art collection and the cost of establishing one has not been given much thought ’ , says Corral .
12 ‘ We are asking staff who have not been given another location to turn up at their nearest branch , where a desk and computer terminal will be provided for them . ’
13 We have still not been given any kind of direct word , we 've not been back in direct communication with them .
14 She had not been given any choice in the matter .
15 I 've not been given any instructions !
16 There may also be funds in bank or building society accounts but we have not been given any details of these .
17 But the community health council 's chief officer , Mrs Chris Stead , said the council had still not been given any assurances that the situation was being addressed .
18 Because she had been detached from it at the most traumatic moments , she had not been caused any distress but was well able to see how the combination of Daniel 's various experiences could have led to her phobia about water .
19 Also , it had certainly not been ploughed this century , if at all .
20 The workers ' faith has not been repaid this week — in a region which had escaped many of the severe job cuts which had hit other cities .
21 I mean I 've got some indications in er a couple of books I 've got in the car , er but erm again I 've not been asked that question you know , what 's the bullion return , things like that , it 's , it 's a little bit out of the ordinary , but you can find the figures .
22 The objections to assessing whether the hearing would have made a difference are not confined to those expressed by Megarry J. A superior court in the context of review is not in a good position to calculate whether a hearing would have made a difference , and to do so could well leave the individual with the feeling that he has not been afforded any opportunity of controverting the public body 's view .
23 MINERS at Monktonhall colliery have not been paid any wages for the last seven weeks in an effort to ease the venture 's cash-flow problems , it was revealed last night .
24 To the extent that such shares have not been purchased all shares of ABC issued pursuant to share option schemes of ABC or any of its subsidiaries prior to completion will be sold to [ ] Plc at completion for no extra consideration .
25 And , interestingly , of all the Royal ladies , Princess Michael and the Duchess of York have not been accorded that privilege .
26 In Vale Royal , 30pc of registration forms have not been returned this year , meaning that thousands of people may lose their vote .
27 One element — that of the private mines — has not been mentioned this evening .
28 They 've not been allowed any breakfast . ’
29 Dr Richard Allan , establishment director , said : ‘ They 've not been allowed any alcohol .
30 It 's already been said this morning they are entitled to a voice and therefore we need to retain er , a separate trade union membership .
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