Example sentences of "[adv] be say [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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31 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
32 The decision in Rask is , of course , considerable help in support of the contention that the claim would otherwise have succeeded , but can not be said to be conclusive on the point , since it is for the national court to evaluate all the circumstances when assessing whether there was in any particular case a transfer of a business .
33 A man can not be said to be truly willing unless he is in a position to choose freely , and freedom of choice predicates , not only full knowledge of the circumstances on which the exercise of choice is conditioned , so that he may be able to choose wisely , but the absence from his mind of any feeling of constraint so that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of his will ( Scott LJ in Bowater v Rowley Regis Corporation [ 1944 ] KB 476 ) .
34 Nevertheless , all these matters are only indicative , and can not be said to be conclusive .
35 English has no dental or labiodental plosive phonemes , so in these cases , although there is clearly assimilation , there could not be said to be a substitution of one phoneme for another .
36 When , however , its satisfactions depend upon the infliction of pain or damage upon an unwilling partner , the situation is again that of using a person as a mere object : the sadist ( or , sometimes , the masochist ) may genuinely be said to be a social and personal menace .
37 No area of the law can ever be said to be easy but the legislation dealing with obscene and indecent publications seems to be unduly complicated .
38 Bruges goes to bed early and can hardly be said to be throbbing with night-life .
39 Quite obviously the playwright has largely pre-empted negotiation of this kind ; also , a theatrical performance can hardly be said to be a social interaction in a normal sense as the actor 's concern is to describe to someone outside the interaction on stage — to the spectator .
40 The development of computer-based public access systems to the holdings of one or more libraries , together with advances in online bibliographic searching , have increasingly led to the use of CAI programmes for user training , yet use of CAI programmes can hardly be said to be widespread .
41 But any magazine that retains a nonagenarian film critic and a weekly cartoonist who has entered his eighth decade can hardly be said to be immature .
42 Conversely , a spirit of self-criticism and renewal can hardly be said to be absent from the religious sphere when one of the problems faced by institutionalized orthodoxies has been to contain the eruption of reform and sectarian revolt .
43 She moves ( for example ) between speaking of the crucifixion of Christ ( fact ) to the cosmic nature of Christ — which can hardly be said to be ‘ true ’ in the sense of an empirically known fact .
44 And a further principle was established — that of ‘ conflict of interest ’ , in which a manager who advises an artist to sign with his own recording and music publishing companies can hardly be said to be acting impartially , or necessarily in the best interests of his client .
45 The Prince of Wales could hardly be said to be a good luck symbol at the moment .
46 Instead it turns out to be very much concerned with rhetoric , which can hardly be said to be new for this age or even essentially syntactic .
47 But such generalizations as these , while perhaps being applicable to a few individuals of each country , can reasonably be said to be prejudiced statements based on inadequate sampling .
48 There is a natural logic to such a structure in that management can reasonably be said to be about making the best use of the resources available and , to this extent , is a normal part of the clinical process .
49 That conception , for all the problems it raises , can not reasonably be said to be of the same character .
50 The difference illustrated here could reasonably be said to be as much attitudinal as grammatical .
51 That Bellow , this participant in Roth 's inner life , can also be said to be out there in the world as his friend , and perhaps his rival , is a fact which does not help one to decide whether or not to trust the reports of literary duality — what comes in has to have been out — but it is very much in the tradition .
52 A learner driver sitting behind the steering wheel is a driver even though the qualified driver has control of the vehicle as well and could also be said to be driving .
53 In such a situation , the participants may , in fact , ‘ speak topically ’ , but they might also be said to be speaking on a topic .
54 It could also be said to be an example of the developed use of experienced laymen to assist in the determination of disputes .
55 The most familiar is that of total ignorance , in the sense of making no response at all , and which could also be said to be based on total ignorance .
56 If the scheme is comprehensive , it may also be said to be an unwieldy instrument for judges and juries to use .
57 Could also be said to be its maturity value .
58 To talk of the presentation appearance , on the other hand , is to talk of something that can , itself , properly be said to be large , round , blue , and so on .
59 But other concerns seem to centre around whether animals might properly be said to be happy or free from worry' , not in the sense of being healthy and free from pain but rather with the human paradigm in mind .
60 The question which arises is whether the family proceedings court can make an order for no contact ; that is whether it could properly be said to be an order which was ‘ appropriate ’ with respect to the contact between the child and the parent .
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