Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] by [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Covered with a tarpaulin and mud , supported by thin steel stresses , it could only be discovered by someone actually walking on it .
2 This sort of liability can obviously only be incurred by someone acting in the course of a business ( a " businessman " ) .
3 The cause of children 's bookselling can only be advanced by everyone involved making worthwhile sums of money which justify the resources allocated .
4 He explained that what makes the document confidential is the fact that the creator of the document has used his brain and thus arrived at a result which can only be produced by somebody who goes through the same process .
5 This was the essence of the problem : the press could only be managed by someone who knew their methods and who would not expect them to come round to Central Office to search for news .
6 Someone with accountancy training can be extremely helpful in the preparation of Schedules of Special Damages and if your department is large enough to need some form of dedicated management , this can often best be provided by someone from outside the law as solicitors do not make the best managers .
7 But Mrs Moon , with those taints of actress , adulteress , divorcee branded so plainly upon her , could not be received by anyone .
8 Emphasize the difficulty of saying anything at all with regard to religion which may not be received by someone in a misleading way .
9 She knows that if she uses power there is a price to pay — you can not be loved by everyone , you may stand beyond the normal bounds of acceptability .
10 Jesus is God ‘ incognito ’ : it is of the very nature of the presence of God as man that it must be ambiguous , that it may not be recognised by everyone , that the ‘ sign ’ by its very nature may be ‘ spoken against ’ .
11 ‘ The Judeo-Christian religion believes that the body should not be touched by anyone .
12 To allege that a distinction between rulers and ruled always exists in large and complex societies does not really say very much beyond the fact ( which is not disputed , except by certain anarchists ) that such societies can not be run by everyone simultaneously .
13 His successors of whatever party will not be bound by anything the Noble Earl may say this afternoon , it is inconceivable that a Home Secretary in five or ten years time , also what Lord say in February nineteen ninety four , I really must n't do whatever er I thought of doing in er that given the fact that the Noble Earl Lord gave certain assurances , he will do whatever he considers on that occasion to be right
14 Since it can not and will not save itself , it can not be saved by anything you or I might do .
15 Whereas one human being can direct ‘ a look ’ towards another human being , ‘ the gaze ’ can not be assumed by anyone .
16 I would like to think that my ministry would appeal to a cross section of the population , that Official Unionists could come to my services and not be insulted by anything I might say .
17 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
18 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
19 • Do not be misled by anyone telling you that Swan Mussels will filter your pond .
20 By ensuring rejection in this way he was also ensuring that he would not be enslaved by anyone else 's methods of work .
21 ‘ I can not be suspected by anyone of seeking prestige , ’ he said .
22 However , despite my indignation about the ignorant handling of the ceramics section , I came away excited and deeply impressed by this show which should not be missed by anyone interested in modern art .
23 These two linked workshops explore the techniques used in ‘ Skylark ’ to devise and perform original work for the theatre , and should not be missed by anyone committed to developing their work as performers .
24 The routine should not be attempted by anyone with a heart condition or high blood pressure .
25 You will not be overlooked by anyone . ’
26 It would be grossly unfair to suggest that it can not be used by anyone else , but the degree of achievement attained by such users will be limited
27 Personal service may not be effected by anyone under sixteen years of age ( Ord 7 , r 2 ) .
28 For some religious convictions will dictate the manner of disposal , but again these may not be shared by everyone involved .
29 Such attitudes may not be shared by everyone , but are accepted by most people without question .
30 ‘ According to present arrangements , he will not be considered by anyone outside the prison service or the Home Office until 1991 .
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