Example sentences of "[adv] be [noun] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Me feeling is that there should only be team promotions and that the money should be split .
2 Oh I know , it 'll only be fish fingers and chips or fish steaks and chips
3 It may not be PC Tools but it 's cheap !
4 However , regional secretaries , despite our many wonderful skills , can not be litigation experts and run the cases .
5 On the downside , high performance can today only be achieved with a proprietary multi-chip implementation , early PowerPC implementations will not be performance leaders and IBM is caught up in internal conflicts over the AS/400 and its mainframes .
6 More interestingly , the items which provide the focus to the concordance need not be dictionary headings or even vocabulary words at all .
7 But the budgets will not be cash limits and GPs will remain free to prescribe all the drugs their patients need , he insisted .
8 As we have extensive overseas operations , particularly in the USA , there can also be exchange effects when we consolidate our results , assets and liabilities into sterling .
9 Quasars are starlike objects that must be many times brighter than entire galaxies if they are as distant as the reddening of their spectra indicates ; pulsars are the rapidly blinking remnants of supernova explosions , believed to be ultradense neutron stars ; compact X-ray sources , revealed by instruments aboard space vehicles , may also be neutron stars or may be hypothetical objects of still higher density , namely black holes .
10 There 'll also be job losses and pub closures
11 There may also be eye problems if :
12 10% discount on stuff in the shop ( not shirts and the stuff you really want to buy , if last season is anything to go by — it 'll probably be Cantona keyrings and suchlike )
13 But there will inevitably be time lags and imprecision in the process .
14 Many structure plans are being ‘ rolled forward ’ to end in 1996 and there could well be draft policies and proposals in the roll-forward documents .
15 Some might well be Balliol supporters and go along with the Earl for that reason .
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