Example sentences of "[adv] with [adj] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Or when I come down with psychosomatic diseases so that my wife babies me and Huxley and Hooker fight all my battles .
2 Most teacher-training programmes include provision for trainees to sit in with other teachers so that they get some experience of the environment they will work in .
3 In Scotland the central valley was filling in with massive expansions particularly around Glasgow , while growth around Edinburgh , Dundee and Aberdeen maintained a long-standing pattern .
4 The feodary survey of the lands of the infant daughter of Thomas Ramsay in 1527 shows that the family had substantial holdings in Buckinghamshire including the manors of Hitcham , worth £20. 3s. 7d. a year , and Losemere in Little Marlow , which was valued , along with other parcels there , at £20. 12s. 6d .
5 Well jus just to lighten the mood for a moment and to go along with high-falooting words here are some
6 This used existing stone pillars , together with new replicas so that the whole design is very much in keeping with the original architecture .
7 Whilst we recognise that conditions favoured us in the first quarter in that weather-related losses were comparatively light , the worldwide nature of the improvement , together with encouraging indications so far in the second quarter , lead us to believe that the worst is behind us and that trends will continue to improve .
8 As Mitcham Road and Penge depôts were each built for 25 cars , the South Metropolitan company spaciously provided accommodation for double the number of cars its fleet ever reached , presumably with other extensions still in mind .
9 Cos they ca n't eat properly with cleft palates anyway
10 But even as preparations were being made to fly them home , talks were going on with independent schools all over England in the hope of finding them free places.Andrew Auster is one of the organizers of the scheme … and he 'll be taking some of the orphans at the Downs School in Colwall :
11 Also with other beacons often within receivable range on frequencies only one kHz apart , sometimes if the aircraft is somewhere between the two , both become unusable .
12 you had to belt the players so hard that you ended up with small bruises all over your hand from where their heads indented .
13 It will link up with other services already given in the local community and in Aintree Hospitals , such as Jospice , the Continuing Care Sisters and the Pain Relief Clinic .
14 Your child poses no risk to other children and is able to go to nursery , playgroup or school and enjoy growing up with other children as much as his or her health allows .
15 But , he maintains , if you do n't throw up a lot of worthless ideas you are unlikely to come up with sensible ones either .
16 In 1978 Allan concluded her survey of such research by writing : As a result different research came up with different findings so that the policy maker and practitioner ended up with long lists of poorly defined and sometimes contradictory characteristics .
17 Readers of lowbrow papers were relatively ill informed about polls before the campaign but caught up with highbrow readers later .
18 Later the wolf would be cut open while she was asleep , filled up with heavy stones once the little pigs had scrabbled out of her , stitched up again by the woodcutter ; and then she would be driven by thirst to the river , would topple in and drown with the weight of the stones .
19 Standing tall , stretch up with alternate hands as high as you can without straining .
20 If this is the case , it is better for employees to know and understand this before going abroad rather than to go out with high hopes only to return to Britain dispirited .
21 Well I ca n't really with black teeth anyway can I ?
22 Appropriate information needed for a user to make a decision is also retrieved before presenting the command options , for example , maps with the correct specifications ( e.g. with topological relations already created , when this is necessary for the operation ) .
23 Too often with young women here it is not the case .
24 It 's going to be cold today with maximum temperatures only four degrees celsius but six degrees celsius on the coast .
25 The British Defence White Paper of 1958 laid down with surprising confidence the circumstances in which it would unleash nuclear weapons : ‘ It must be well understood that if Russia were to launch a major attack , even with conventional weapons only , the West would have to hit back with strategic nuclear weapons . ’
26 In 1872 , the CWS agreed to do so ; but in 1875 the employees ' right to a bonus was abrogated when delegates to a quarterly meeting of consumers ' societies ‘ swept away the entire bonus system after less than three years ’ trial , and at the same time abolished the United Employees ' Association and the privileges ' — that is , on the purchases of goods — ‘ attached to it , decreeing that employees should share and share alike with other members both as purchasers and as recipients of dividends on their purchases . ’
27 It 's great news that they 're part of a new Small World holiday boutique — a clutch of companies backed by Owners Abroad with enthusiastic owner-managers still very much at the helm .
28 Deng 's campaign was given prominent support by a large number of provincial governors attending the session , many of whom promised to press ahead with economic reforms regardless of central policies .
29 Students of cancer had more reason to be interested in chromatin and its role in cell division , but chemical approaches to cancer were predominantly concerned with molecules which could be identified at the time , i.e. with molecular weights under 1000 .
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