Example sentences of "[adv] you [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 And suddenly you 've become the thing you are :
2 Naturally you expect to find the highest quality construction in the world in a Mercedes , but the 500SL we tested had numerous faults that we thought ‘ undermined Mercedes ' quality image and appearance ’ .
3 If the opportunity does n't present itself naturally you have to engineer the situation so you can explain an important or emotional message .
4 Perhaps you 've got the name wrong ? ’
5 Perhaps you 've got the DTs . ’
6 Perhaps you do have the magic in your winter songs and odd chants to achieve a satisfactory end to your journey . ’
7 Perhaps you have spoken the truth , but , waiting in vain , your friends may well think you dead , and carry out an attack to avenge you .
8 so that 's English , and I 've got ta get , er he reckons he 'll get a B grade for the er lit , but I was so cheesed off with that erm piece I got today , thirty five and thirty five , one mark off being er an A , he put at the bottom aargh , if only you 'd seen the lousy ending , cos he said if I 'd got the , an extra couple of sentences it er would of been forty eight , forty , so that 's , so annoying , but I 've now got ta write an informal letter , I do n't know how that comes under informal letter
9 Only you have to get the question right .
10 Er so o , o only you have to follow the policy er which is sustainable for all the items that are on the agenda .
11 So you 've activated the channel but you 've activated it by increasing the frequency with which it resides in its open state , compared a to its closed state .
12 So you 've seen the film , you look at the er the scripture and now you should er fill that Command and Promise in .
13 So you 've done the rounds tonight then Brian ?
14 So you 've got the right idea of dividing it by eight , but you needed to take it on a stage and see what the was .
15 So you 've got the various sections of the diagram .
16 So you 've got the you 've got the three things the the the financial speaker is really coming here in a commercial way but with no hard sell in the hope that you will become er one of their clients for individual investment advice but you need n't do so .
17 So you 've got the mediant between one and five .
18 So you 've got the er somehow the idea of a career has formed ?
19 Number seven loads and loads and loads and loads of this moist toilet tissue cos we 're trying to get rid of it all so you 've got the lot .
20 So you 've got the all the cash being handled by one person rather than being bonded together and any other situation where we get
21 So you 've got the data ranges incorrect , that sort of thing .
22 So you 've got the latest draft , with the latest amendments those of you who have taken one to se , look at it .
23 So you 've got the stairca , have you been in one of them ?
24 so you 've got the sex and you 've got , you need an N , that 's all you need in n it ?
25 So you 've got the satsumas .
26 So you 've got the same ?
27 So you 've got the tool to keep it
28 So you 've got the children tomorrow lunchtime , you 've got the band tomorrow evening , but the library exhibition goes on a bit longer ?
29 Now this thing H two C O three erm so you 've tried the reaction , you 've tried these different compounds
30 So you 've spent the last few months diplomatically ‘ losing ’ at golf .
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