Example sentences of "[adv] that [pers pn] think it " in BNC.

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1 The general point here and I want to make is that er , these are n't officers ' promises these are the members ' promises and er , erm , we 've got to be careful that er when they 're all drawn together that we are n't making a hostage fortune , erm and so that I think it is very important members take aboard er what is suggested and test them themselves to see that they are realistic , I would also say that er as these promises are being considered by the various committees and I note a considerable variation in standards which will need to be addressed when the promises er , have come back to the Policy Committee , these are particularly in reference to the time required to respond to er , erm complaints etc , it 's no use having the Highways Committee wanting two weeks and incidentally on promise number two erm I think that er any up , somebody else 's point er straight forward wants to be deleted , erm the highways require two weeks to respond er , erm hearts and libraries want a , you know half a day , er and we 've got to get these er erm more or less synchronized I think , and whilst I 'm thinking Chairman on the last page er of the er favourite for , for first for agent authorities , but it does n't give any indication about the contact point and as most of our population live in the agent authorities that the er it needs to be expanded to give the contacts er points for the members of the public .
2 Someone touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it had been accidental , until the gesture was repeated with more insistence .
3 Erm , I , I , I did n't say the question lightly it 's just that I think it needs watching , and I wondered how it was , because I 've heard so often in the past , that people have so many lines of enquiries , but the money goes , and you know , it 's all marvellous , and I 'm not suggesting
4 It 's not like that it 's just that I think it 'll help you to write it down and to think about it and to talk , talk to Kelly about it .
5 ‘ It 's not that we think it 's wrong to have girl-friends , we just choose not to at the moment .
6 Parting you from Jones that time does n't seem to have curtailed your ongoing little adventure — not that I thought it would . ’
7 You may say also that I think it well that the musters of the northern counties should prepare themselves for possible action against the Scots at the same date , and those along the south coast should be ready to resist any assault by sea from my enemies in Europe .
8 Having given you food for thought , I 'd like to move on to a discussion of the criteria and can I say right now that I think it would be right and proper to limit our discussion this morning to the criteria .
9 Erm however we would wish to see that policy complemented by the inclusion of the strategic exceptions policy erm and we know that I know that 's to be discussed tomorrow but I will mention now that I think it would have been much more useful to the discussion if we 'd have been able to discuss the strategic sites issue as part of this debate .
10 And they told me about Azul , in Jersey , and before that I think it was before that they showed me the forensic photographs of all of them : Bissett skewered on the railings , grotesque and spread and limp ; the blood-smeared vibrator used on the retired judge , Jamieson ; the drained shapeless white body of Persimmon , tied to his grid above a pool of blood , then nothing when there should have been something ; then what was left of Sir Rufus Carter , blackened bones , distorted and bent , the black skull 's jaw hinged down in a blind scream but the flesh all gone very much a dental-records job and it was all black , the nails , the wood and the bones too but it 's their mouths their jaws I remember , their silent screams , hanging slack or jammed open and it gets worse because they show me the fucking video they show me the video they think I made or that I think they think I made but I did n't ; they make me watch it and it 's horrific ; there 's a man and he 's dressed in black or dark blue and he has a gorilla mask on and he keeps sucking on this little bottle he 's carrying which must be helium because it gives him that baby voice disguising his own voice and he has this fat little guy strapped to a chrome seat , his mouth taped , one arm tied down onto the arm of the chair , shirt rolled up and the little guy 's shrieking as hard as he can but it sounds quiet because the noise is having to come down his nose while the man in the gorilla mask looks from the camera to the guy in the seat and holds up this huge fucking syringe like something from a nightmare from an old movie from a horror film and I can feel my heart beating wildly because that 's what this is .
11 You see there would n't have been a kiln at the mill before that I think it every house had their own kiln and they dried their own you ken .
12 ‘ The abuse happened so often that I thought it was normal .
13 I think there 's a third fact that you touched on earlier that I think it 's just worth mentioning and that is that we know it 's also a genetic pre-disposition to anorexia nervosa , in other words , we know that in certain families it is a disorder that will run from one generation to another .
14 One or two of the hotel 's regular visitors and local residents who use the hotel frequently have told Winter privately that they think it is a mistake and that it is leading to friction and a lowering of standards .
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