Example sentences of "[adv] that he [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's important that when a member is made redundant that he keep in contact with his industry , so that he 's in a position to be able to regain employment and also regain employment for his , for his or her fellow unemployed .
2 Alexei came forward so that he was at Rostov 's shoulder .
3 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
4 For example , it is often the case that the essential characteristic of a " slave " is not that he is in a servile position or economically disadvantaged but that , not being a kinsman , he is denied the rights of a full human being .
5 Not that he was in any way merry — I 'd merely triggered off his own insomniac hysteria and his laughter quickly subsided into a sort of drained whimpering .
6 Not that he was in much danger of noticing .
7 In the space of ten days , Franco had demonstrated unequivocally that he was in complete control , militarily and politically .
8 PRESIDENT George Bush as much as admitted yesterday that he is in a political bind over the abortion issue .
9 What I hear , people talk to me , took a time but they do , is that the Front was just a vehicle for him , that there were no deeply held principles in it , more that he was in love with the danger , the risk of arrest .
10 Section 29 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 ( P. & C.E. Act ) provides that he should be informed at once that he is under arrest if a decision is taken to prevent him leaving at will .
11 Lord Darlington called me into his study , and I could see at once that he was in a state of some agitation .
12 I knew also that he was on drugs .
13 He observed from the way peter Yeo gathered himself and sat up straight that he was on familiar territory , and understood further that the general patter was well rehearsed .
14 Gazza should now be encouraged , not discouraged , and then disillusioned to find out that he is to be overlooked until next February .
15 Now that he 's on short time he 's doing more round the house .
16 Perhaps the most important question in the wake of IT Year must be : what will Kenneth Baker do now that he is at a loose end ?
17 He had gone out for air while Mary reverted to her servant role , but an impulse had taken him much further than he anticipated and now that he was on the shoreline he knew that he had followed an instinct which was directing him to resolve this business with Mary .
18 Although he was no stranger to the town , now that he was on a case he was seeing it with new eyes .
19 Now that he was outside the car , the night seemed full of noises .
20 He fingered some of the amulets and icons that dangled around his neck now that he was in the warp .
21 Now that he was in his mid-seventies he signed his rare letters to her ‘ Daddy ’ or even ‘ Pops ’ .
22 Now that he was in charge and had brought her home ?
23 Before that he was with Roger Lascelles , where he had experience of working with travel publisher Lonely Planet .
24 The Secretary of State must say today that he is in charge of security in Northern Ireland and that he will not allow his hands to be tied by any reference to matters coming from the South .
25 Mike Teague would also be put out if his comeback with second division Moseley were to go so well that he 's in contention for a place .
26 The Cardiff centre was so disillusioned after the 63-6 thrashing by Australia in Brisbane 17 months ago that he was on the verge of walking out on his country .
27 He is putting it about that he is in favour of one of America 's most important — and sensitive — trade demands : that Japan should open its markets to rice imports .
28 I mentioned earlier that he was like Slim — more intelligent and caring than most , and very different .
29 They also " took up the case of Archibald McGreggor , Beadle , of whom an account of a fall from a horse while attending a funeral , a surmise had gone abroad that he was in a state of intoxication " but they found that " nothing could be made a ground of process against him . "
30 And erm he was still at them and then that he was in the right .
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